Chapter 29

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Jacks pov

After the party we got shit loads and tons of stuff that people gave us to put in the apartment and shop. Me, Rose, Mary and Joseph have been working tirelessly to get all the stuff up stairs and arranged. While me and Rose have been working day and night to get all the shop repainted with the colour white. And we have had so much fun doing it.

"Hey Rose have you thought about what the nursery would look like?", I said painting  the wall in a cool white fresh coat.

"No. But I know that we got heaps of stuff for it, so we won't have to go out shopping", she said doing the same thing. Getting little specks of paint on her dress. But she didn't mind. I just stood and looked at her painting away. With her firey red hair tucked away behind her ear and the rest in a messy bun. She then caught me staring.

"What? What is it?", she asked. I chuckled.

"Nothing nothing", I replied donking my paint brush in fresh paint. I then started walking over to her. "You're just so beautiful to look at", I then placed my left hand stroking her face. While my right hand swooped in and painted the whole side of her face. I brust out laughing. As she was touching it on her face coming to terms with it all. But then I didn't see what was coming next.

Roses pov

I took a few steps and donked my brush in and took it straight out with paint flying everywhere with the brush slapping on Jacks face. Now it was my turn to laugh.

Jack then went over to his and plunked his in and came towards me "no! No!", I screamed as our paint brushes collided like swords with some of the excess paint flying over and crash landing on my face or dress.

There is paint flying everywhere. If me and Jack had other colours we would not be able to recognise ourselves or each other to be exact. This is what it feels like to be a kid again. Me and Jack ran around chasing each other with out paint brushes hoping to get a mark or a big patch on each other. I then was out of breath. And so was Jack.

The game was about even. Jack had half of his face covered and big spots on his pants and some small ones on his shirt. I had a massive one on my bum. And a few small blotches on my arms and upper body. My dress was completely ruined. From small lines of paint flying everywhere and landing there. My stomach was growling.

"4 hours of painting" I stated as i looked up at the clock.

"Yep from 3-7", Jack backed me up, as I put my hand on my ballooning belly to feel their little tummies rumble. Jack then hopped up and walked over to me and lent me his hand to help me get back up.

"Ah", I replied getting my balance on my own two feet.

"There you go", he replied giving me a sweet kiss on my forehead. "How about we go change and freshen up and go out for dinner?"

"Sounds perfect", I said giving him a juicy kiss on the lips wrapping our arms around each other getting into it. We then broke away and we went upstairs to take a shower and get all of the paint off.

Jacks pov

Me and Rose took 10-15 minute showers each to get all of the paint off our bodies. We got dressed and I went and grabbed Roses black coat hanging on the coat stand and mine also. I put mine on before helping her because of her bump. We then went out the door to the freezing cold streets. Where the fresh white snow made the ground seem soft and cool. It was a breathtaking sight to behold with the glittering lights lightening up city. It made me feel relaxed and happy.

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