Chapter 7

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Jacks Pov:

Then line was moving slowly  down the ramp to get off in single file. The rain bounced off me with a pit a patter pit a patter like little feet running up and down the halls. That's all I could think about at this moment. The moment me and Rose step off this boat we are a family. And that we are going to get married and have children, two in fact!

When we were at the front of the line we could see that the streets were flooded with people women and children who were roaming everywhere trying to get money, food and place to stay the night. When Rose and I got down their we pushed through the crowds. It was damp and wet, every step we took we stepped into a puddle. We walked under a cold black blanket umbrellas drenched in tears from the fall of the Titanic. We found our way off the depressing streets and out of the crowds and onto the pavements. People  kept bumping into us and handing us money saying, "Are you a Titanic survivor? Did you survive the Titanic? Did you come off that ship?", it got pretty annoying after a while but hey, at least we got some cash in our pockets just from people feeling sorry for us.

"185 dollars Jack", Rose said to me with all the money in a tight grasp in her hand.

"125", I replied to her

"That's 310!", Rose replied in excitement

"Ok Rose listen to me. I want you to go out their and ask for money. This is our only opportunity to get as much money as we can ok? Go Rose go", I then nudged her out into the crowd to get some more money.

Rose Pov

The streets were dark, wet, loud and very crowded. As I weaved my way through the crowd people just slipped money into my hands. They must of noticed because I was still a bit pale and I wore a first class dress with a men's jacket over the top. As I pushed on I made it to streets filled with restaurants with people piling up to get in the doors. I then asked people "Can I please have some money? I'm a survivor from the Titanic", I ended up getting a 25,20 and a 50. I then walked up to a stranger with a black jacket and asked him for money. He then turned around to meet me. It was Lovejoy.

He grabbed my arm I tried to tug away but I couldn't he had his tight grip on me. I started screaming and calling for help "JACCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!", I screamed hoping he could hear me from one street away above all the noise. People tried to help me but Lovejoy shrugged and beat them off. My head was now locked in his arm. He kept walking backwards to a black car then I spotted Jack coming to my rescue.

"ROSSSEEEE!!!", he screamed running towards me.

"JACCCCCKKKKKK!!!", I screamed as I was thrown into the car. Lovejoy then locked the door and quickly made his way over to the drivers seat trying not to get bashed. "JACK!!! JACK!!!", I cried banging against the windows wanting to be in the arms of my lover. I then quickly found the handle leaver to wind down the window. "JACK!", I then quickly kissed him through the small gap then the car started up "JACK! Here here here take it take it take all of it!!!", I then gave him all the money in my pockets and what I had collected the also The Heart Of The Ocean, "Here here take this, sell it Jack! Sell it!!! Sell it for as much as you can that'll provide us with all the money we need twins and for us", the car then began to move.

"JACK!!!", I screamed getting dragged away.

"It's ok Rose I've got you ok I've got you", he held onto my hand with a tight grasp trying not to let. He moved with the car ploughing through people to keep a hold of me but then their were no people in the street ahead of us, just road. The car then picked up his pace leaving Jack struggling to keep up. Our grip on each other then slipped apart. With Jack out of breath and on the ground

"I'LL FIND YOU ROSE!!! I'LL FIND YOOOOOOOUUUUUU!!!", he howled as Lovejoy put his foot on the peddle to speed off into the distance. I know Jack will find me he has too. But how?

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