Chapter 12

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Jacks pov

As I came closer I saw the exteriors of the mansion and gardens of the mansion and they were beautiful. Of course as soon as I entered the driveway that beauty ended. I saw all the big fat slime balls coming out of the big double door. As I pulled up I grabbed the bag Mary packed me full of 'doctor stuff'. I then opens the door only to find the devil himself standing face to face with me. Cal.

"Thank god your here sooner than we expected. We thought you would be here in an hour or two at the most."

"Well Mr Hockly I wasn't that far away. Plus Miss Dewitt-Bunkter is a Titanic survivor and right now they are going through to much, and we are here to help them.", I said in my fake voice which Cal bought as we then entered the door.

"Well yes. I am or was a passenger myself on the Titanic and her maiden voyage"

"Oh really. I'm... Im sorry. Listen if you can't get to sleep at light or having bad dreams don't be afraid to call us. It is quite natural now after that accident.", I said as we walked up a grand staircase to Roses room.

"Here this is it. This is Roses room", Cal said as I stood in front of the door surround by maids and servants including Cal, Lovejoy, and Ruth Roses evil mother. I then slowly open the door trying not to wake Rose invade she is sleeping.

"Is it alright if I go in with you there?", Ruth said.

"I'm sorry but I'm the only one aloud in there. But don't worry I will run some tests. And I will find out what is wrong with her. Ok?", Ruth just nodded, "Ok", I then walked in.

Rose Pov

I heard the door open. Oh please I hope it will either be Cal, Lovejoy or my mother. Please please not the doctor. I'm too young to die. I then heard the door shut. Remain calm Rose remain calm. Cal will not hurt you. You are sick remember. I then had no choice but to roll over and see who it was.

I tried to open eyes but they were still shut. All I saw was man in a suit. He then walked behind me and shut the curtains blocking out that draining sunlight from me. I then tried to sit up in bed while he took off his hat and slowly spun around. I then realised who it was.

"Jack?", I said astonished. He just smiled then pounced on the bed kissing me like we have never done before."Jack stop", I giggled,"They can probably hear us."

"What? Cal didn't have enough money to get sound proof rooms", he joked. I just giggled as we then went back to our long awaited embrace.

Jacks pov

I was now complete again. Having Rose back in my arms. Having her soft lips touch mine, and her beautiful perfect face that I can't wait to wake up to everyday. It felt amazing to be with her again I didn't want it to end. We then heard a knock at the door. It was Cal.

"Is everything alright in there?", he yelled from the other side of the door. I then got up out of the bed, and made my way over to the door and put on my fake doctor voice.

"Umm yes everything is alright in here. I just need to do a few more tests that's all", I yelled to him from in the room.

"Well can I come in then?", he asked me.

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