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"I made our dinner."

Put our cutlery on the table and after I placed raw meat on our plates and filled our glasses with animals-liver juice. Vær sat across the table and delayed to touch her food since she seemed very thoughtful.

At last, she tried to test the food made by me, perhaps, to try to please me because I had taken the initiative to prepare our dinner without her having had this idea or forced me to do such thing.

In fact, I just wanted to pamper her and apparently it was not working because Vær did not seem satisfied by this dinner as I wanted her to.

"How was the class today?"

She watched my face and responded nothing.

"Hey!" I stopped eating and looked down, trying to find her face on the side of the table. "I asked how your class was today."

"It was ok."

"Vaer, you don't need to hide things from me. I know you well and know something is tormenting your mind at this moment. If you do not tell me in this exact second what's going on, I will be forced to use my power of the mind to try to guess what you're thinking of right now."

Across the table, she despaired and began to signal with her hand.

"No! Don't do it! Please! I'd hate to know that you can read my thoughts!"

I stared at her suspiciously.

"Why do you feel so afraid to know that I can do this?" I faced her with more seriousness. "Are you afraid because I can discover your secrets?"

She smiled and looked at her plate on the table.

"You silly," Vaer smiled more sheepishly. "I have no secrets."

One of my eyebrows arched and I took the juice.

"I hope so."

Vær remained confused on the other side of the table and decided to open her heart to me.

"I'll tell you what happened at school today."

"Yeah, tell me everything."

I smiled, wishing to be friendlier, as possible. She had to trust me and always remain confiding me since we became great friends.

"Today a new student started to attend my school..."

She looked to the side and gave up continuing talking.

"And what else?"

After that, Vær looked in my face across the table and realized that I needed to hear everything that she had to say me. I was disposed to offer my ears to her confession.

"And when he entered the classroom and took a seat up in his place, he looked at me and removed his glasses. And at that instant, I saw a different glow in his eyes. I never saw a shine like that. I confess that I got covered with goose bumps."

My eyes descended and I analyzed my plate of food involuntarily. Vær also looked down, while she decided to remain quiet.

"Please, continue talking."

I begged in a weak voice.

She bit her lip and continued narrating with her head curved. It is missing yet another part of the story, part which I was a little afraid to listen to.

"And when we left the school, he held my hand. His hand has strange warmth."

I lift up my gray eyes and looked in the direction of Vær.

She continued confessing.

"Human heat..."

My throat got stuck. I could not say a word. It frightened me to know Vær was beginning to have an interest in a human in truth. Soon I lifted from my seat and pulled my plate from its place. Since so I walked to the sink, with the intention of giving my back to the table and mainly Vaer.

She looked at my back and realized that my behavior had changed so fast. My conduct had been strange. To conclude, she also abandoned her food and rose from her chair. He walked to one side and stopped behind me.

"Are you alright?"

She asked with a fearful voice. Now she seemed worried about me. At that moment, I turned to face her in the eyes and a loud noise sounded from my right hand. Vær looked at my right hand and saw the plate turn into fragments after I had compressed it in my palm. The crockery fragments ended up wounding my hand. However, I did not mind about this.

The princess was startled and then became desperate by seeing my injured hand.

"Let me help you!"

"It is not needed!"

I made a retreat back and pulled my injured hand to me before even she could touch it.

"I am fine."

I looked around, trying to find something to clear my dense blood.

"Why were you so irritated to know about that?"

I sighed and then held the sides of Vær's face, forgetting that my dark blood would dirt her skin so pale and soft.

"Vaer, I fear that you hurt with the humans."

I looked at the wall aside.

"I still cannot believe that you can be happy, loving one of them."

But she tried to calm me up with her words full of hope.

"Enzo, one of them can be one of us one day."

I released her face after that and turned my back to her again. I felt dolorous inside for having to hear those words. I was the guardian of Vær. Her grandfather had deposited in me a very risky mission to be accomplished.

But I feared that I could fail it.

As a final point, I sighed looking up, almost losing my control again.

"Why do you complicate things so much? Would not it be easier, we return to our planet and forget this shit world? I still wonder how you can feel happy with this place. Attending a school that is not for your kind! You run the risk of being discovered and go into the hands of the human predators."

I turned to face her again and stared her in the eyes.

"And All because of a stupid dream!"

"It is not a stupid dream!" she looked irritated. "If you are a monster and do not have a heart of truth! I'm sorry for that! But I have mines here and it is disposed to carry the feeling of the humans within me! Like my mother and my father carry theirs within them! Even though they are vampires."

We got quiet and then Vaer broke the silence there.

"I thought you were in favor of my happiness."

She turned to a side, feeling very disappointed at me.

"But I think I was wrong. I realize that you want me to be a hundred years of my life without having known Love. Without having fallen in love just as you arrived in one hundred years without knowing how it is like the heart racing by someone. Sorry, Enzo, but I don't want to get to my centenary feeling myself as empty as you feel yourself now."

She walked into the other room of the house, exclaiming.

"I don't want this end for me."


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