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I came home from school, as always, I left my stuff in the living room and walked in the direction of the bathroom because the door was slightly ajar. I entered softly the place as soon as I saw something dark standing at the sink, and his back to me. Enzo was in front of the sink while holding a syringe in his right hand.

I could not see the color of the liquid that was in the syringe and what really it was. The vampire was without his black cloak as he wore only his trousers and boots. Because of it, I was approaching him slowly and even so he had not noticed my presence there. Enzo seemed so distracted by what he was doing in that moment and it made him not remember the rest of the world.

At that instant, he looked up and released a few groans, seemed to feel a lot of pain after receiving the strange liquid that was contained in the glass syringe. His eyes turned indifferently and he closed them then as he was still trying to contain his insupportable pain.

Immediately I worried about him.

"Enzo, are you sick?"

I asked at his back, trying to touch one of his arms, even though he was keeping his back to me.

But hearing my voice and making sure that I was there; Enzo tried to hide the syringe from me and remained in the same way, keeping his back to me and thus hiding his arms and the frontal of his body.

"Get out!"

Bellowed a little uncontrolled.

But I insisted, trying to get closer to him.

"Get out! Damn it!"

Another scream at me and I felt that he threw an invisible power against my body and it cast me out of the bathroom. With the thump, I hit with my back against the corridor wall with full violence. After that, the bathroom door locked alone.

Still feeling very saddened, I ran down the corridor and locked myself in my bedroom also.

Minutes later, as soon as Enzo seemed calmer of his fury and free from the bathroom walls, he tried to walk to my room door and stood before it, tapping on the wood for a few times.

"Vaer, please, open this door!"

I heard his voice but did not answer. He insisted and forced the knob with his right hand. So he realized that I had the locked it. Since then I looked at it.

At the moment, the door key turned to one side alone and the passage ended up opening. Enzo had used his vampire trick to invade my room without my authorization.

When the passage opened widely before him, the vampire saw me sitting on my bed, with my feet still put on my boots and their soles touching the bedspread. I was really very sad as holding a tear in the corner of my right eye.

The vampire stopped in the doorway and rested his right elbow on the wooden frame of the door. Soon he looked up and sighed with immense regret by being so rude to me.

"Excuse me. I lost my control."

I remained silent, simply by showing that I was not disposed to receive his apologies in that instance.

My long round salmon dress had done enough volume on my bed. I looked like a rag doll, sitting there in my place and waiting for her owner to pick her up in her arms.

"I swear I did not want to act that way, but you invaded the bathroom without asking permission."

I looked at him and still saw him standing in the entrance way.

"I worried about you and just asked if you were sick."

I looked down.

"What was that you were applying in your vein with that syringe?

But Enzo delayed to respond and remained to look up.

"That's no big deal."

"How it's no big deal? You threw me out of the bathroom with so much violence because of it! What you're hiding from me, Enzo? Tell me! You're sick?"

I looked at him with pity. It hurt inside me to imagine that he could be sick or vulnerable to some kind of danger.

By perceiving my anguish, he ended up approaching my bed and stayed sitting at my side. Enzo slowly lifted my face with his hand and wiped my blue tear in the corner of my right eye.

"I don't like seeing you crying."

His voice came out broken and very weak.

"My question was not about me but about your health."

His hand came down and he pulled it away from me. His gaze ran by the extension of the bedspread and Enzo just compressing his lips before anything.

"No, Vær, I'm not sick."

During this, I stared him in the face, still doubting of his declarations.

"So what was that? Why you're applying that strange substance in your blood vessel?"

Facing it, his head descended and he looked at the gap there was between us in bed. I loyally watched his bowed face before me.

"I still cannot say what it was." His hand smoothed one side of my face and then my hair, and my guardian ended up looking into my neon blue eyes as his voice affirmed.

"Don't worry. This is nothing grave." Soon he smiled in half. "It's just a whim on my part."

After that, he lifted up and got away from the bed with a slow walk. The definitions of his lungs moved along with him.

"Only that."

He ended up smiling, trying to inform that all was well with him. But I still could not believe that all was really well with my friend. Only his words spoken up till that moment was not sufficient to prove me that.

"Enzo, promise to me that all is really well with you and you are not sick or under physiological problems?"

"Yes." shook his chin. "I promise you."

After that, he ended up crossing on his lips his two index fingers while forming explicitly an X with his fingers.

So he turned his back and left my room, taking his secret just with him and no one else. Now I realized that Enzo hid a mystery from me.

That made me even more worried about him. Before I thought I knew about everything that had happened to him. Things that afflicted him, that tormented him and that also made him happy.


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