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It was dawn, after giving a stroll in the town, I returned home. Just as a dark bird and went through the open window, so getting to the living room too. In split second my body molded to the body of a vampire in black clothes. I stood in the middle of the living room for a while and after that, my steps inside my long black led me toward Vær's bedroom door. I stopped in front of the wooden passage and stood there for a few seconds.

My concern with Vær had doubled after that human had entered in her life. I always thought she and I would never be on another planet and live that kind of experience, one beside each other and with completely different purposes.

In Neptune, everything seemed so perfect between us. There were no other friendships and not even approximations of other guys who could win her heart. But now, I was before this truth and sooner or later it would end up happening.

Thinking about it, my hand forced the door handle and it ended up opening soon after. The room was with lamps turned off, but the lights of the stars and the moonlight in the sky were in charge to illuminate the bedroom.

For minutes, I stayed there, standing and leaning against the wall beside her bed. With my arms crossed over my chest as I watched Vær still asleep. She could not even imagine that I was present in her room during her precious sleep. I had never done it in Neptune because there were never reasons and opportunities for me to do so.

As incredible as it looked like, the Eighth planet, I felt watched and there I felt like the watch.

I never tired of watching the princess's sleeping and saw her more naive. With so idiot purposes to fall in love with a human.

Seconds later, I tried to walk in meekness in the direction of her bed and ended up sitting on the tip of it, while my eyes still watched Vær's pale face. I could try to waste my time trying to analyze her body in a long nightgown with a clear, soft fabric. But that was not the correct.

But all this feeling of taking care of other people's sleep had detached from me when Vær's eyes suddenly opened and she ended up sitting up on the bed, after seeing a dark shadow sitting on the edge of her bed.

Her heart raced and she held back a terrified look in my direction.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"I'm sorry. I did not want to scare you."

She retreated to bed and stayed embraced with her knees stuck together at the time of her breasts.

"I'm leaving now!"

After that, I tried to get up from her single bed.

"No, stay a little longer."

The princess pleaded with meekness. I ended up respecting her will that also molded mine. She just lit one of the table lamps and stared back at me with sweetness.

"Enzo, something is happening?" looked me in the face and forgetting the other parts of my body. "You seem strange."

My eyes descended and stared at the square body of the mattress. My cheeks became flushed and I got confused.

"Vaer, I care about you a lot and this is independent of I am or not your guardian."

She kept staring at me and listening to all my words. Her room was silent and only my voice dared to make noise, by the way, a modest noise.

"I never told you this before ..." looked up and stared at the ceiling in this instant as I thought my words would flow better from my lips. "But you're the thing I care about the most in this life."

During this, her hands gripped my arm. Vær released a sincere smile in my direction. That one which did not reveal all her front teeth, but it came from her heart and full of recognition.

"Thank you for you to care about me so much."

She stroked my arm and then joined to me with a big hug. Vaer closed her eyes and began to confess me with her soft voice.

"I know that sometimes I'm a little rude with you and make you become disgusted with my contradictory attitudes." she raised her head and looked into my gray eyes. "But I want you to know that I have nothing against you, and at first, I hated the idea of knowing that you would be here on Earth with me."

She smiled and leaned her face in my chest, shrinking in full.

"But now I like to have you here and know that you are always on my side as you have always been in Neptune."

I closed my eyes and protected her with my strong arms. Vær continued feeling comfortable in them, at the instance what she heard weakly the beat of my heart against her ear.

"I know what you're doing all this sacrifice for me."

The princess whispered.

"I also know you do not like staying here, but remain in this place because I'm here."

Soon I smiled by listening to her sweet voice.

"Sometimes you are very stubborn. Your father said me you look a lot like your mother."

"Yes. He also told me that." She opened her eyes and looked away, still with one side of her face still leaned against my chest. "My mother did a lot of madness while she fought for my father's love. She never gave up his love, even though ..."


We speak that phrase together and I and Vær ended up smiling because our voice sounded in a chorus, citing the same words.

Then Vær lifted her head from my chest, grabbed the sides of my face and looked into my eyes, thanking me with her astonished eyes because I existed really in their life and hers as well.

"But you were the cure for this curse!" gave me a smile and remained to say. "A gravelly boy! If it was not you and your blood, my parents would not be together today in love. They could never have me as their daughter and this curse would never have come to an end."

I held her hands and removed them from me. I looked down, feeling martyred for something. Not always Vær's approach was well received in my day to day.

"Do you believe that this curse really broke?"

"Yes, I do," she smiled with hope. "My parents live happy until today and could have a daughter, one fruit from that love."

After that, she stared me in the face.

"Why? Don't you believe?"

"Yes, I do." held the side of her head and kissed her forehead. "Now go back to sleep or we will dawn with our conversation."

She pulled back a little, settling in bed.

"It would not be a bad idea, seeing the sunrise while we converse."

"Another day we do it, okay?"

I said, going up and walking in the direction of the room entrance. When I touched the doorknob, I looked again at Vær's direction still sitting on the bed. Sweetly I cast a silent kiss toward her and soon after left her bedroom, thus closing its door again before me.

GUARDIAN FROM NEPTUNE : ZEALWhere stories live. Discover now