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-Ji Yeon POV-

"Yah!Dongsaeng!That's mine!"

I yelled as I chase for my younger brother.Aish!That kid!He's really a pain in the head.

Before I forgot,My name is Hwang Ji Yeon.A 18 years old girl full of dreams and all that.

"Hahaha!Noona!Your face its priceless!Here it go.I'm just teasing you.Tch.Your no fun!You take it seriously!"

He said showing me his bored facade.
O.O This kid is really annoying.Tsk.

"And your a rascal!" I said as I snatch my phone out of his hand.He just shrugged his shoulder.

"Yah!What are you two doing?You should be at school!Ppali,ppali!"

My eomma said as she push me and my brother Chanwoo out of the house.

"Eomma!Are you not used to it?I'm always go to school late back in my old school!"

Chanwoo said as he sling his bag on his back.

"Aish! That's a bad habit Chanwoo-yah!You should remove that!Especially your new at this school!"

Eomma said as he pinch Chanwoo's cheeks.Okay fine he's cute.-__-

"Eomma!Stop pinching my cheeks!"

"Arasso!Now go!And you will be late.Ji Yeon,take care of your brother will you?"

"Of course eomma!Jalga~"

I said as I dragged Chanwoo to our school.We just walk since our new school is near plus,we don't have any vehicles to ride.

Were just a simple family with a simple life.


I let go of Chanwoo's arm and look at him confused.

"Stop dragging me!I can walk!"

He said and I just rolled my eyes.Tsk,this kid!I can't imagine I live with him for almost 17 years!I'm one year older than him but yet,Ugh!He didn't show any respect to me.^~^

"Yeah,Yeah!Tsk.Then I'm going now.Jalgayo!"

I said and run.


He said but I didn't look back.Hahaha^U^
I love to tease my brother.I'm just being fair because he also love to tease me.

I look back while still running and I can see that he is still trying to catch up with me.

Suddenly,I bumped into someone.

I quickly bow to the person I bump into.

"Mianhe.Mianhe.Jeongmal mianhe."

I said as I continue to say sorry.

"Noona!huh?Wait,I know you"

My brother said and I look at him.He seem concentrating while looking at the person I bump.

I turn around and my jaw literally drop.

The person I bump is so damn handsome.

Pointed nose,Beautiful emotionless eyes and....kissable lips.

O__O What did I say?Do I really check him out??Ugh!Just pretend you don't read the part where I praised his handsomeness.

"I know you!Do you remember me?" My brother chirped.
"I don't know you."

The man rudely say to my brother.And start walking towards the black Ferrari car.

Tsk.That boy doesn't have manners.-__-

"Yah!Show some respect!My brother is still talking to you!"

I yelled and he stop and look at me with his cold stare.

"I'm not talking to him.I don't care.And you don't have the right to yell at me."

He bluntly say and ride the black Ferrari car.

Ugh!I hate that boy!And I hate the thought that he will be my neighbour.

I look at my brother who is in deep thought.I snap my fingers in front of him and he look at me.

"Kajja!Morning is ruined."

I said and stomp away.But before I passed through the car.I take a glance to it.

O.OI saw it!I clearly saw it!Someone is looking at me inside the car.The window is open so I saw him.
But then he close it after realizing that I caught him looking at me.

And his not the one I got bumped into.Its another boy.Also a handsome boy but his stare is different.Its not cold.


My brother shout so I just push my thought aside and run towards him.

But I can still sense that someone is looking at me.Aish!I'm being a paranoid here!


Annyeong haseyo!My first ever story here in my new account.This is my third account after I forgot my last accounts password.

Please support mianhe for typos and wrong grammar:)

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