Chapter 8:Only Solution

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A/N : @clgd08 @Rica_INFINITE @Dyosang_Sirena069 @Dhanu97
Thanks for voting here:)Kamsa~

@Myungdural and @Rica_INFINITE also thanks for commenting^_^

@Dyosang_Sirena069 and Maryelizab69
OmO!Kamsahamnida for adding this story to Your RL:D

And of course @Dhanu97 thank you chinggu for following me!You made me happy and more inspired:*

For those I forgot to mention.Mianhe and Kamsa for supporting this book!<3

This chapter is dedicated to:@Dhanu97

~Ji Yeon POV~

I tap my foot at the floor due to my annoyance. How dare him?!?!

As in!

How dare him told everyone that I'm his 'girlfriend'?!Is he out of his mind?!Now were in a big trouble! Ugh!Stressful!

"Come on Sungyeol,Spill it!Why did you tell them that I'm your girlfriend?!Are you aware at the fact that there are so many people watching us?!?!Now were in a mess!!Thanks to you!!"

I shout as I massage my temples. Were already at their house and the other boys are also asking him what's his problem.

"I know!Stop shouting!Your so irritating!"

He shout back.0_0
Ohmygod!!!The nerve!The nerve of this guy to shout on me!Its all his fault!Why would he shout on me?!?!

"Sungyeol-ahh!Why did you do that?"

Sunggyu appa ask calmly.

"I need to.If you see Yuri's eyes earlier.Its full of furry.I know that if I didn't do that,She'll hurt this idiot girl."

Sungyeol said in-a-matter-of-factly manner.Is he trying to say that he just save me?What?!He didn't save me.He just put me in a more complicated situation!Gosh!I don't know what will their fangirls do to me!

"I'm not an idiot!"

I shot back and Woohyun oppa hold me in place cause I'm ready to punch Sungyeol's handsome face.+_+

"But you have other option. Why did you choose that option?!"
Myungsoo-oppa ask.And furry is evident on his voice.He's eyes,Its like fire.Why is he so angry???

"I-I-Im not thinking straight..."

He whisper but we all hear it clearly.Good to hear the truth.

"Your always not thinking."

I murmured and he shot me a glare.

"We need to solve this."

We all look at Dongwoo-sshi.

"Do you have a plan,Hyung?"-Sungjong
" yes I do.And its the only solution. "

He answer back and now we all focus our attention on him.I hope his plan will be good.And it will also help us.

"Just deal with it.Be lovers..."

My eyes widened and Sungyeol even stand up from his chair.O.O


Me,Sungyeol and Myungsoo yelled at the same time.We all look at each other.Is he out of his mind?!Why would he tell us to be lovers?!Hell no!Is he fooling around?!Its not time for pranks!

"Are you serious hyung?"-Hoya oppa

" Ne.Its the only possible solution. If you become lovers,There would be no problem.Cause we can always protect Ji Yeon from the sasaengs.Cause we have connection.But if you look at the opposite side,If we tell them that what Sungyeol said is just a mess.They will think that Ji Yeon is blackmailing Sungyeol so that Sungyeol will tell everyone that you two are dating.They will think that Ji Yeon is assuming and a liar.They will hurt you Ji Yeon,And we can't protect you cause we don't have any connection on you.We don't have any valid reason to defend and protect you..."

He finish seriously.Now I think of it,He's right.Everything that he say is right.My reputation will be ruined if we take back what Sungyeol said.Ugh!But I can't bear to be Sungyeol's girlfriend!!!>.<

" Myung,Dongwoo-Hyung is right.Its the only solution..."-Woohyun
"And its a win-win situation here.We can protect Eomma,and even if its fake.Sungyeol will already have another girl."-Hoya
" yah hyung!"-Sungyeol

I closed my eyes thinking of the solution their suggesting. Its just fake.And this fake relationship can save my reputation.And like they say,They can defend me from the sasaeng.But I can't bear Sungyeol's attitude. I won't last to be his Yeoja chinggu!

Ugh!My head hurts because of this!

"I agree on it..."

My eyes shot open when I heard Sungyeol words.



I ask as I look at him.

"Its OK for me to be your 'fake' lover."

He said while doing air quotation when he says 'fake'

I look at everyone and they are all looking at me with a please-agree-look.

Now my inner voice are debating.

The bad side:You can't stand him!Don't agree for your patience sake!

The good side:Agree!Its good for your reputation!

Now I really need to choose.What will I choose?The one that will make me happy but will ruin my life?Or the one that will save me from this situation but will give me a life in hell???I guess I don't have any choice.
























I think its not a bad idea after all....





I look at their faces again.Ugh!

"Fine!I agree!"



Sorry if it take long for me to update.I was busy crying after watching Kris movie.Never Gone....

>~<I miss him so much and now his improving!He's a good actor and he can cry so well that it also makes me cry>~<

And if there are also EXO-stan out there,Hello!!!!Who's your bias?Mine is Kris,Even if he's out of the group for almost 3 years:(

I'm gonna go now.Waiting for Kris first Hollywood movie!!*0*My husband is so great!<3


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