Chapter 1:First

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~Ji Yeon POV~

After 1253726235 minutes,We finally reach our school and woah!This school is so big.

Everyone is looking at us.>.<It's making me self conscious.

"Who's that boy?So kyeopta!"
"Kyah!I like him!"
"That's the new girl right?"
"She's pretty huh."

Everyone start whispering and some other girl are squealing at my brother.


Chanwoo said and dragged me towards the teacher. My teacher Mrs.Lee


Me and my brother bow 90 degrees.

"Oh.Mr&Ms.Hwang.Your early huh.Let me guide you to your room Ms.Hwang.Mr.Hwang,You go over there.That's your room."

Ms.Lee pointed to the building behind Chanwoo.Chanwoo just nod.

"Noona,See you at lunch.Jalgayo."

He said and run towards his room.

"So welcome to the school,Ms.Hwang."

Mrs.Lee smile at me and I just smile back.We started walking and the since its still early,Student are still outside of their room.

We stop infront of a room labeled '4-1'

Yes,I'm already a fourth year highschool student but my parents decided that we should transfer here because of Appa's work.

And yes!I'm still first section!^.^

"This will be your room.Come in.I'll introduce you to your classmates here."

Mrs.Lee said and I followed her inside the room.Everyone look at me and some start whispering to each other.

"So class,I want all of you to meet your new classmate.She's from Brooks Academy."

She then gesture her hand for me to have a little introduction.

"Annyeonghaseyo!My name is Hwang Ji Yeon. And I hope we can be all friends."

I then bow and I heard some whispering.

"Dude,She's cute!"
"I wanna make her mine."
"Shut up bro,She's definitely going to be mine."

I rolled my eyes because of what I hear.Task,Boys will always be boys

"So I want all of you to be nice to her.Arraso?"


They all answer and Mrs.Lee tell me to seat beside the guy who's busy reading a book.I cant see his face.

I slowly sit beside him.He didn't care to look.I think he didn't notice me?Or he just really don't care for his new seatmate.=____=

Ohhhk.I won't disturb him.He seems really a hard working student.I bet he's the first honor here.By the way he looks, he's really like a genius man.

I averted my eyes towards the guy behind me.And woah!

O.OHes looking at me.And realization hit me.He's the one who's also staring at me in the morning. The one who's inside that black Ferrari car. OMO

But he's stare change.Its already a cold one,Unlike earlier.

I decided to break our eye contact and focus in front. Since its the first day of school,We wouldn't do anything.

We just need to be immune in our new environment and new classmates.

Someone call me.

"Hey!Ji Yeon girl."

I look at her.She's a girl with long brown hair.She has a smile across her face.

I smile and just wave as she walk towards me.

"Annyeong!My name is Bona.Kim Bona.Nice meeting you."

She extended her hands and I take it with a smile.

"Nice meeting you too Bona."

After that she start telling stories and she's also a transfer.She just come earlier than me.We decided to have lunch together at the canteen.

"Come on,Ji Yeon!Kaja!"

Bona yell.She's already standing beside the door waiting for me as I fix my things.

"Wait a second."

I was already in a rush for fixing my things so I didn't notice that my seatmate already leave.

After stuffing my things on my bag,I rushed over to Bona.

We start walking through the canteen.Bona said she has a fraternal twin brother who is also pur classmate.I think he's as nice as Bona:)

As we reach the canteen.Everyone look at us and they also start whispering.But I think its not whispering because we can clearly hear them.

"The New Girl's!"
"Their both pretty."
"I hear one of them is close to INFINITE boys."
"They look like models."

I don't want to get this kind of attention.Back in my old school,I am just a normal highschool girl student.

Well,I'm a nerd.Not the typical nerd you know.I don't wear spectacles and lot of books.

Let's just say that I'm a hard working student who did nothing but to study and help my parents for works.That's why everyone in school doesn't want to be friend with me.They know that all I do is to study They think I'm a creepy person.Hayst!:(

I was a consistent honor student.I'm always the top 1 and I need to maintain that here in my new school.

I grab the opportunity to study  here because the boss of my dad ask me to.

so I was just new about this kind of attention everyone is giving to me.
I'm not immune to this unlike Bona.
It seems that she don't care about the people looking at us.

We order and we find a not occupied table.We sit there and start eating lunch when someone tap my shoulder.

I turn around only to see the guy who is staring at me earlier this morning and also in the class.

He has he's emotionless facade while he hand me a handkerchief. 0.0

Wait,That's my handkerchief!

I quickly but politely get it to him.And all eyes are on us.Everyone in the canteen look at us and start on whispering again.


I said and smile.I even bow slightly because I'm still sitting.He stare at me.
But he's stare is different. I can't put my fingers to it.There's something on his stare I can't put my fingers to.

"Cheonmaneyo,Ji Yeon."

Then he left.I watch his back fading away.Then realization hit me.


How did he know my name?!?!0____0


First chapter done!Mianhe for typos and wrong grammar.How was this?Hehehe....Can you guess who is that guy who's always looking at Ji Yeon?


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