Chapter 20:He's Back

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~Ji Yeon POV~

Another ordinary day come and here I am,Walking in the corridor with some materials that we needed for the decoration of the gymnasium.

We don't have any classes today because everyone knows that we need a whole day preparation for the Infinite Academy's Anniversary.And the fact that tomorrow is the celebration made the teachers abruptly canceled all the classes for the senior year students.

Which is a sigh of relief.

"Ji Yeon!"

I look at the person who called me and saw no other than Ms.Bona Kim.

"Oh,Annyeong Bona.Are you OK now?"

I ask as she join me on walking.

"Yup!I'm absolutely fine now!"

She chirped popping the 'p'

We continue our journey on the corridor when she suddenly halted.

I give her a confuse look and her face become pale.

"Waeyo?" (TR:Why?)

I ask and face her.

"I-I.....I forgot my phone on the restroom."

She said before sprinting towards the girls comfort room.Aish,That girl.Always forgetting something that's important.

I was about to walk to the classroom when someone suddenly get the file of materials that I'm holding.I look up and saw none other than my 'giant-fake-boyfriend'

"This are the things we needed?"

He ask and surveyed the box he is holding.
I just nodded my head and he start walking.

Confuse,I follow him.

"Uhm....Don't you have a practice?I'm gonna carry that."

I said and try to get the box out of his grip but he move it away from my reach.

"I'm going to the room first. Might as well carry this."

I was kind of bewildered because of his behavior.What happen to the super-arrogant Sungyeol?

As I look around me,I saw that all the students are looking at us.And it hit me,Sungyeol and I were the only people who's walking in the middle of the corridor.Everyone was gathered in each of our sides.




Why am I so stupid?!?!

My eyes double in size when Sungyeol suddenly rest his arms around my shoulder.
My stomach do somersault as my heart skip a beat.

I slowly turn to look at him.And I swear my cheeks are burning!

"W-What a-are y-you d-doing?"

I ask.


He ask and give me a quizzical look.I motioned my eyes on his arms that was wrap around me.

His eyes widened as well and I can see a tint of pink on his cheeks.But he didn't bothered on pulling away.He just bite his lips as he continue on walking.

"R-Remember t-the contract?"

He ask stuttering.

"R-Rule n-number 3.D-Do lovely-dovey things in public."

He said and look away.


So this thing is because of the contract. I kinda feel disappointed. But aish!Why am I even feeling this?

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