Special Chapter #2

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"One more vodka please!"

The beautiful girl sitting in the high stool ordered. She looks so messed up.
Drunk,But still sober enough to notice her surroundings.

"Here you go!"

The bartender place the glass of vodka in front of her.She trace her fingers on it while staring at nothing in particular.

She's in pain,Yes.

But the alcohol makes her forget the pain.It makes her numb.

She keep on thinking how to forget Sungyeol.She knows that it's her fault that Sungyeol can't love her again.But even so,She wants him.She desired him.

How selfish right?

But what can she do?She loves him.

She's regretting everything that she do.
For breaking Sungyeol's heart and for hurting Ji Yeon.The girl that is very precious to the man she loves.

It hurts.

It truly hurts.

But maybe,Its the destiny's comeback to her because of the bad things she did.

"What are you doing here?!"

She slowly look up,Batting her eyelashes.

"Oh?Who are you?"

She ask,She can't determine who is it because of her blurred vision.

"Gosh!Yesung!What the hell?!Your drinking?!"

The mysterious man grabbed the glass of vodka.

"Yah!That's mine!"

Yesung whined and stomped her feet on the floor.

"Tsk.Don't you know that drinking is bad?!"

"And why do you care?Huh?"

Yesung rolled her eyes and focus her attention on the boring dance floor filled with crazy people dancing wildly.

"Aish!Are you doing this because of him?"

"Yuan,Can you just leave?Please?"

Yesung demanded,Rubbing her face with her hands.Because of that,smudges of make up form on her pale face.

Yuan,The handsome boy huffed and sit beside her.Yuan is Yesung's childhood friend.2 yeas older than her and he's already studying in college.

"You know what,Why waste your tears on him?He's not worth it."

Yuan said and order some cocktail.

Yesung just smile crazily,Making Yuan cringed.

'God she looks so creepy'

He thought.

"Yeah,He's not worth it with my tears.Because his worth more than myself."

She buried her face on her hands.

Yuan stay silent.

In a matter of fact,Yuan really likes Yesung ever since they are still kids.

He likes her to the point that he can injured the pain of Yesung liking another man.

"There are so many man in the world.Maybe there.........or maybe......here."

Yuan said and turn to look at her.But she just laugh and nod her head.

"Yeah right."

"Believe me Yesung.Move on from him!"

"I'm trying okay!"

And that's when a tear slid down on Yesung's face.

The pain strikes her again.

"I'm trying to forget him!But I just keep on remembering him!"

She blurted out. Slumping her back on the armchair.

She try to blink the tears away,But it just continuously fall.Yuan look away.Can't deal with the fact that Yesung is crying her eyes out because of another guy.

Yuan swallowed his beer and close his eyes.Absorbing the taste of the beer that burn on his throat.

"Yesung,Just......Just try to move on...."

He slowly open his eyes.Mentally punching his self because of the stupid suggestion he have on mind.

"H-How *hic* O-Oppa?*hic*"

Yesung asked,So eager to know how to remove the pain in her heart.

Yuan bite his lips before looking back at Yesung.































"Just choose me.Use me as your rebound."


Hayst!I finally updated the special chapter 2!Woah!Do you think Yesung will agree to Yuan's suggestion?

Do you want to suggest some portrayer for Yuan's character?Anyone!Even if its not Kpop.

Thanks for reading this trash of mine!

Stay tune for the Last Special Chapter:Sweet December💞


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