Chapter 5:The Reason

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~Ji Yeon POV~

I stare at the mesmerizing sky above me.Its so beautiful and peaceful....

The cool breeze relaxed my body.

I was in the rooftop since its still lunch.While Bona?I think she's with her brother.

I look at my left hand.Trace the bandaged around my fingers there and remember what Bona said to me.


"Hey Bona.Do you know why Myungsoo is called as the Ice Prince?"

I ask while were eating.It happened that she's also eating here in I love Dessert. So thats how we end up talking and eating.

"Uhm...I don't know.But I know about Sungyeol."

My forehead crumpled as I chew on my cheesecake. I'm now getting more curios.

"What about him?"

"Oh,Well he become like Myungsoo- Hey!Why are you even asking?Do you like Sungyeol?"

She turn her eyebrows up and down.I feel goosebumps on my body because of what she said.

Me??Like Sungyeol???Ugh!Bitch please.
I won't never like that boastful man.Hmp


"Bona,Of course not.I'm just curios ya know?"

I said and take a sip on my Frappé.

"Well,Before he's really a jolly type of person.He's like a happy virus.He's also childish so he was called choding.He change because......His parents die in a accident.A plane crash.He was on his 2nd year of highschool.He love his parents so much.And he can't bear it.He can't accept the fact that his parents die,"

She paused and I look at my lap.Sungyeol....goes that hard?He experience....that?

"And at that time,He's already broken into pieces and a girl name Yuri crushed his heart even more.Yuri,Is Sungyeol's girlfriend for almost 2 years that time.Sungyeol loves her so much.She's the next important person to him.And she just broke up with Sungyeol with no reason.Sungyeol was in deep pain that time.He committed suicide..."

She paused and my head shot up.My jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

Sungyeol....Committed suicide???

Now I really feel bad for him.I never know that he goes through that.Its really painful.....Especially those painful things happen to him at the same time.

"But then,He was accompanied by Myungsoo.Their actually best friend.Ever since they were still wearing diapers.But Sungyeol change.He become like Myungsoo.He become cold.Cold as ice....And then Sungyeol cousin's come in the scene.And that's how they meet the other INFINITE members.Sungjong is Sungyeol cousin and Hoya is Sungjong's older brother.Hoya and Sungjong are friends with Woohyun,Dongwoo and Sunggyu.The other member.They form the group INFINITE by the help of our school.And after that,They become famous."

She sipped on her bubble tea.And she smile.

"And that's how we meet them."

I nodded.Still feeling bad for Sungyeol.Now I know. I need to understand his situation.I know that after everything that happens to him,Ice can really envelope his heart.I cant imagine that he can really survived after everything that happen to him.I can say that's his really strong.Cause if I was on his position, I would give up in life easily.

I pity him.....He need someone who can melt the ice that envelope his heart....


I sigh as I stare at the sky again.How can I melt your heart,Lee Sungyeol.

~At The Room~

I was reading some books since our teacher was absent.And I cant help but to stole glances on Sungyeol. My seatmate.

He seems so serious writing on his notebook. I can see his eyes...

He's dead eyes....

But if you look deeply on it,You can see pain.

Pain that he's been hiding and injuring for a long time.....

I want to bring him back to his old jolly self like Bona say.But,How can I do that?
How can I do that if he wouldn't let me be his friend?How can I do that when he's always pushing me away?

I sigh as someone tap my shoulder.And everyone suddenly stop making noise. Its so quite now,Unlike earlier.

I turn around to see who tap me and I saw Myungsoo handing me a sandwich.

I give him a puzzled look.Why is he giving this to me???o_O

"You didn't eat at lunch.Eat that.Arasso?"

I was about to argue but he spoke.


He firmly say and because of his voice.I have no choice but to accept the food.But I wonder,How did he know I didn't eat lunch???I was alone at the rooftop?Did my stomach growl???Is he also in the rooftop?I just didn't notice him?o_O

"Good girl.."

He patted my head and I can see his lips curve into a small smile that no one can notice aside from me.


I said and he just walk out of the room.
I look around me and I can saw that all the girls are giving death glares to me.

I just hang my head low as I secretly smile while looking at the food Myungsoo-oppa gave me.His really nice.How can he be called Ice prince when he's actually a warm hearted guy?

~Myungsoo POV~

I slowly walk in the corridor.Thinking of what happen.I was smiling like crazy while walking,I was so happy when Ji Yeon call me Oppa.Its like a music in my ears.

I wanna hear her always say that....

To always call me her oppa....

"Why are you smiling like idiot,Dongsaeng?"

I literally jump when Sunggyu hyung just appear beside me.I make face while starring at him.

"Oh come'on.Don't try to hide your happiness.I know your happy.It is because of the girl you've been talking about?The Ji Yeon girl?"

He ask and smirk at me.He joined me on walking until we reach the school fountain.

"You know what,I know you like her.If you do,Then confess to her.Don't be scared.She looks kind so I know she won't hurt you."

He then  patted my back and left.

I am that obvious?

Is it really obvious that I like Ji Yeon?

I don't know....

But I can only assure one thing....























I already fall head over heels to Ji Yeon....

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