Chapter 21:Son-In-Law

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~Ji Yeon POV ~

"You've got taller!"

I said as I examined Chanwoo's features.

"OMO!Noona!Its just been a week since we last saw each other!How can I change in such a short period of time?"

He ask and laugh while holding my hands.I just smile.I missed hearing his laughter.I can't explain the overflowing happiness that I feel.

"I just missed you OK."

I said and we continue on walking.

"Noona,I'm sorry.Really,I am.I've been a burden to you and to Eomma.I've been so selfish.Only thinking about myself.Not considering your feelings."

He said and look down.He looks guilty and sadness is evident on his voice.Instead of nagging and hitting him,I just smile and wrap my arms around his shoulder.Even though his much more taller than me.

"Nah!You know we can't resist you.Your our maknae remember!"

I said and he just smile on me.

"Ji Yeon."

My eyes double in size when I saw Sungyeol in front of us.



"Oh,Annyeonghaseyo, Sungyeol-hyung."

I turn to Chanwoo and give him a 'do-you-knwo-him-look'

"Ne.He's the one who convinced me to come back.He made me realize my mistakes."

He said and smile showing his pearly whites.

I was stunned at what he said.Sungyeol?
Sungyeol is the one who convinced him to return?Sungyeol....

I look at Sungyeol and my heart skip a beat after he give me a small smile.A very rare one.

Ohmygosh!>////<I think my heart just fall.
Its the first time he smile on me.Or more likely,Its the first time I see him smile.And god!Its so beautiful!


Aish!Snap out of it Ji Yeon!

"Kaja,Hyung!I'll introduced you to our Eomma!"

Chanwoo said and pulled Sungyeol leaving me behind.


Oh no...


"Why you little?!How could you do that?!Do you know how worried I am?!"

Chanwoo just hang his head low as Eomma lectured him.I know Eomma is angry.But not in rage because she is crying.
She just worry too much for Chanwoo.

Me and Sungyeol stand awkwardly in our front door.Watching how Eomma nagged.


I still can't believe that he do convince Chanwoo to return.You know,He didn't have too.But still I'm thankful.

I'm just,Shocked at this new part of Sungyeol.Seriously, What happen to the Sungyeol I know?

He seem to change.But for the better.

"Sigh.Ji Yeon do yo--Huh?Who is he?"


Seriously Eomma?You just notice Sungyeol now when he has been standing here beside me for almost half an hour.

"Annyeonghaseyo,Ajhumma.I'm Lee Sungyeol"

Sungyeol bow to Eomma and Eomma seems to like Sungyeol by the way she smile at him.

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