Chapter 6:Instant Eomma

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~Ji Yeon POV~

I stretched my arms as I look at our garden.Next week my dad will finally be back.He was gone for almost one and a half month because of business issue.And I'm glad he's finally going back.

I was at home. Indulging the precious moment I have.And what I mean for 'precious moments' is actually, Peace moment.

My mother is out to buy some food and my brother is also out.He go to the internet café near our house.And I'm glad he's not here cause if he is here?I'm sure were just going to make the house a complete disaster.

I was about to enter our house when someone ring the doorbell.o_0Who could it be??Chanwoo just leave.And Eomma?She'll go home late.

I decided to open our small gate and I saw a handsome boy smiling at me.Who is he?I think....I see him before...


He said and bow.I squinted my eyes on him.I really saw him....


O.O Yeah right!!!He's one of the members of INFINITE!!!


I awkwardly say.Why is he here??And why does I been meeting so many INFINITE members???

"I'm Nam Woohyun.We study at the same school.And,Were also your neighbor. Hehehe....Your the cute new girl."

He said and wink.Ohhhk.....Is he,Flirting with me???And,He live next to my house???



"Ji Yeon.Hwang Ji Yeon."

My forehead crumpled.How did he know my name???Myungsoo also know my name.Did Myungsoo told him??


"I have my ways."

He said and wink again.I just rolled my eyes.Fine.He's really flirting.Tsk.

"By the way,Here I cook kimbap."

He handed me a Tupperware full of kimbap.At the sight of kimbap,I think I'm already drooling.

"Close your mouth,Ji Yeon.You might catch flies."

He laugh as he hold my chin and push it upwards so my mouth would be close.

I look down in embarrassment.>///<

"Heh...Don't be shy.Your so kyeopta!"

He said making me blushed.Ugh!His sweet words....

"And oh.I cook that for a welcome gesture for your family.Its late tho because we've been so busy this past days."

Wow.He cook this kimbap???Well,He can already get married.XD Just kidding!


I said showing my pearly whites.He look at me with mouth agape.Now he's the one who will going to catch flies.

"Y-You c-call me N-Namu?"

He said in disbelief. I innocently look at him.

"Nam Woohyun sounds like Namu."

I chirped.He just give me a awkward smile.

"They call me flirt,Cooking man,Babe,Eomma but no one calls me Namu.Seriously?Namu?A tree?"

He said and laugh awkwardly. I smile sheepishly at him.

"Then I will be the only one who should call you Namu!Arasso?If someone call you Namu you know that it was me?"

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