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~Ji Yeon POV~

I look around me and everyone is giving me death glares.I was sitting at my seat and gosh!Everyone is looking at me.

Of course I know why.

Because of the issue that me and Sungyeol are 'dating'

Aish!I really regret being in this situation but,I can't do anything about it.The damage has been done so like Dongwoo-oppa say,Just deal with it.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and when I turn around,I saw Myungsoo smiling at me.I stand up and smile at him.

Everyone gasp and start whispering things.-____-Here comes the bee's.

"Ji Yeon,Do you mind if I borrow your phone?"

I look at him puzzled but give my phone anyway.I can trust him you know.He's my friend.Or I'm the only one here who's thinking that me and Myungsoo are friends?Never mind.As long as his good to me.


I check out my phone as soon as he handed it back to me.


1. Myunggie

I stare at Myungsoo.His cheeks tinted with pink.I tried to keep my laugh but I can't and I burst out laughing. Myunggie.....

Such a name ^v^

"Y-yah!W-Why are you laughing?! I can't think of a great name!"

He said and pouted his lips.Such a cutie....

"Aniya.Its really a cute nickname.But,Why did you put your phone number on number one?"(No)

I ask him and he just turn more redder.o_0huh?Is he sick or what?I touch his forehead and neck.He's not hot.Well,he's naturally hot because he's alive.But his not burning.

"W-What a-are you doing?"

He ask with wide eyes and face as red as tomato.Why is he so red?

"I'm checking if your sick or what.Your so red...."

I answered and look closer at his face.Oh wow!He's really handsome.
The nickname 'Flower Boy' suits him.

"Ehem.Uh,I add my number on your phone for emergency purposes."

He said and stand properly.I nodded.But then I feel someone pulled me.

I look at that person and saw Sungyeol with a poker face but his eyes are fierce.
O___O I-Is he angry?

"What are you two doing?"-Sungyeol
" Uhm....talking?"-me

He flicked my forehead making me flinched and hold my forehead.

" No need to state the obvious! I mean what are you talking about?"

He ask glaring at Myungsoo.I shiver as I feel the tense atmosphere.

I look around and saw everyone  already looking at us and some are taking videos.-___-Wow!A new scoop eh?Tsk.

"What is it to you?Were just talking."-Myungsoo

" talking?Your so close to each other and that what you call talking?!"-Sungyeol
"What is your problem?!I said were just talking?!Why are you acting like this?!"-Myungsoo

I can sense that anytime they would take this fight into the next level.Which is the thing that I don't want to happen.

" U-Uhm....Sungyeol-ah.Stop this.Were just talking."-me
"Talking huh?Defending him?Then go defend him!"

He said before storming out of the room.I stared at the classroom door with mouth agape.What just happen?What's the matter with him?Why is he acting like that?

Is he jealous?

Gosh Ji Yeon!Of course he's not jealous!He doesn't like you!And why would he be jealous?Your just a fake couple!Suddenly,I feel something weird inside me.Why do I feel,A little bit dissapointed and.........sad?

Ah...maybe because of Sungyeol's behavior. Yeah right.....

"Tch.That douche.Gwenchanayo,Ji Yeon?"(Are you alright)

I turn my head to look at Myungsoo.

"Uhm...I'm fine don't worry.Uhm...Mianhe about Sungyeol."-me(Sorry)
" hahaha....Gwenchana,He's really like that."-Myungsoo(Its alright)
"Maybe we should sit?Everyone is looking."

I said as I awkwardly sat at my seat.
He also go back to his seat and I can't help but to stare at nothing in particular.I don't know why but I think I let my disappointment and sad feeling take over me.

Heck I don't even know the reason I'm feeling this!What's wrong with me?Aish!Maybe because of Sungyeol!Yeah,Because of the fight he cause.

Aish!Jinja?!What is the reason he acted that way?!Did Myungsoo and Sungyeol fight?But why?And why would he need to interrupt me and Myungsoo's conversation?

As far as I know Myungsoo and Sungyeol are really great buddies.They have been best friends for ages!And Sungyeol is not the type of a person who likes to cause trouble.Base on the time I spend with him.

Maybe, I don't really know him.I banged my head on the table.Aish!What have I gotten myself into?I'm dating a man that I don't even know.Sigh.....



And I'm back!:*
I miss writing this story!OMO!I finish the Tao short story and I'm still deciding when to post it.

Yeah so hope you like this short chapter.

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