Chapter 14:Confusing Feelings

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~Ji Yeon POV~

I stare at Sungyeol. Not believing my own ears.Did he really say that he's my boyfriend?



Wahhh!!!!My heart is beating so fast!!!>.<

What's this?!Wahhh!!!!I can't look away!Why is that?!I just keep on looking at his beautiful face.


Sungyeol said and dragged me away.I was speechless as I let myself be dragged by him.Then I remember Myungsoo.

When I look back,I saw Myungsoo walking away.And the crowd of people looking at us while whispering to each other.


I awkwardly stand at the corner of the school gymnasium as I watch Sungyeol play basketball.

Uhmm...Why did he bring me here?He's just playing while me?I'm getting bored!Its still lunch time but I don't want to waste my time here.I still need to find Chanwoo.

Aish!I will really spank that kid when I found him!

"Why are you with Myungsoo?"

My head immediately turn to Sungyeol.



Don't he know what happen?Oh yea right.How can he know?He don't even care about me.-_-Such a jerk!I hate being his girlfriend! even if its just a fake relationship.

Yes,I still remember that stupid contract!-_-

"He's helping me to find Chanwoo."

"You should've ask me to help you!"




What are you talking about Sungyeol?


Does he care for me?Doe he really consider me as his girlfriend?A friend?





























































" Because I am still your boyfriend. "


Wahh!!!!My heart skip a beat after hearing his words!>///<

What's happening to me?Why do I feel this?!
Wahh!!!!I cannot! What's this?!

"Why are you blushing?"

He ask with an amuse smirk.


I'm blushing?!?!!!NO!!!!!


"Blushing?Me?O-Of course n-not!"

I said and turn around so that he can't see my flushed face.>.<Wahhh!!!I'm so embarrassed to myself!Huhuhu....

I hear him laugh so loud that it echoed throughout the gym.T-T
He's actually making fun of me.


" Wae?Hahaha!Your so red!Hahaha!"

He said and laugh harder.


I knew it!I shouldn't let myself be dragged by him.Aish!

I huffed and start to walk away but he suddenly grabbed my wrist and made me turn around.

I almost slap my face on his broad chest because of the sudden action.


I'm so close to him that I can almost hear his heart beating.

"Don't leave...."

I look at him with wide eyes and he is also looking at me seriously.

Suddenly,Everything went into slow motion.
Its as if,Me and Sungyeol are frozen as we keep our eye contact.

I don't know what is this feeling.Or why do I even feel this.

I'm so confused.

I hate him right?

He's the person I despise the most right?

But why do I feel this towards him?

I'm so confused with my own feelings now!>.<

"I'll help you find Chanwoo.Let's go."

He said with authority in his voice and dragged me...............AGAIN


Sungyeol or Myungsoo?

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