Chapter 2:INFINITE

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~Ji Yeon POV~

I rubbed my eyes as I woke up.Me and BOna decided to take a nap at the library since we don't have classes and,There was no one in the library.

I slightly poke Bona's side to wake her up.

"Bona!Kim Bona!Wake up will you?"

I said.She slowly wake up and rubbed her eyes and look around.


She yawned.I remember something.My dongsaeng.0.0

"Yah. Bona,Can you come with me.Im just going to see if my brother is alright."

I said as I stand up and stretched my arms.Yeah,You could say I hate Chanwoo when he did bad things to me.
But still,He's my brother and I love him.Oh...I'm so chessy..Yuck!

"Protective sister eh?OK then,Kaja!"

She said and we both walk towards the room where Mrs.Lee pointed to Chanwoo.


Still section 2.Tsk.tsk.We really need a serious studying. He's been in the section 2 for Almost 3 years now.Hayst!

I peeked at the open door and I saw they don't have a teacher. I look for Chanwoo and I saw him being crowded by so many girls.

"Your so cute."
"Yah!Why are you so perfect in my eyes?"
"Can we date oppa?"

Every girl said.O__O What?!?!That girl is asking my brother out!Oh my god!
I thought boys are the one who need to ask the girl out.Ugh!Girls this days-__-


I hear someone yell. And its Chanwoo.
He quickly hold my shoulder and ask so many question.

'How was your day?'
'Do you eat?'
'What did you do?'

I slowly pulled him away.I can't answer those question properly.

"Hajima Chanwoo.Ne,I'm done eating.My day is fine.I did nothing but to sleep cause we have no teacher.How about you?"

I answer fast.He blinked so many times and I snapped my fingers in front of him.

"Oh.Ah...I did nothing.Just sitting in my seat.Talking to classmate."

He answered and look beside me.I mean he look at Bona.

"Who is she noona?"

He ask me and pointed his index finger to Bona.

"Oh.That's Bona Kim."

I said and he bow in front of Bona.Bona also bow with a smile.


Bona said.

"Yah.Chanwoo.I just came to check on you.Were going to leave.Be good arraso?"


We bid goodbye.Me and Bona start walking towards our class when we  saw a sea of people yelling,giggling,squealing and fangirling.

o.O What's happening???

"What's with the commotion?"

I ask Bona due to my curiosity.

"When there's crowd,There must be INFINITE.And when there's INFINITE,There must be sasaeng fans."

She said and rolled her eyes to no one.

Wait,What's INFINITE???Its the name of this school right?INFINITE Academy?

so what is she talking about?

I saw some boys walking out of the crowd and the two of them is familiar.

The one who returned my handkerchief and the one who is very mean earlier.

Their seven and all of them are handsome.

"Who's them?"

I ask Bona and pointed my lips towards the direction of the seven boys.

"They are the pride of INFINITE Academy.That's why their group name is also INFINITE.They are the INFINITE boys.The talented,smart and handsome student here in our Academy."

She paused when those INFINITE boys are out of sight.So that's explain why there are so many fangirls that is following them.

"But,Their not socialize.They don't talk to anyone,Except that they talk to  each other and the teacher. That's why I'm so shock Myungsoo talk to you.Everyone who witnessed it was so shock!"

she said with wide eyes.So Myungsoo is the name of that guy.But wait,What?They never talk to anyone,But then Myungsoo talk to me.

How should I react about this?

"Maybe he's just trying to be nice and friendly."

"Aniyo!He's the coldest member in INFINITE.He barely talk.Even when he is with his co-members,He just stay silent.He's not the one who likes talking.He's not friendly in short."

She explained.Okay,That leave a puzzle.If Myungsoo is like that.Then why did he talk to me?Why did he return my handkerchief???

Ugh!Its so confusing!

I should just set that thought aside.

~After School~

"Jalgayo,Ji Yeon!"

Bona wave at me and I just wave back.
The day end so fast.Me and my brother are now walking back home.

I need to go to work.Yes,I work.Part time job  at the dessert coffee shop named 'I love DESSERT'

Yes,I do love dessert.Hehehe~

But then,When I'm about to enter my house,I look at the house beside the house in front of us.

I saw that someone is looking at me but he quickly hide when he saw me looking at him.I'm sure its a HE.His hair is short

But,Why is he looking at me?


Chanwoo called so I quickly enter the house.


annyeong! How's the story?Hehehe...I need your opinion guys^_^Sorry for typos and grammatical errors. ^_^v

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