Chapter 22:She's Back & Realization

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~Ji Yeon POV~

I slowly fix my hair into a high ponytail.I'm so uneasy.I feel that I forgot something important. But what is it?


I know I forgot something but heck,I can't even remember! Huhuhu...T-T

I walk downstairs and saw Eomma frying some bacon.I can smell it!

"좋은 아침이에요!" (TR:Good Morning!)

Eomma beamed and flash me her white pearls.I also smile as I scooted beside her.Wahhh!!!!Bacon and Ham!*0*

"Where's Chanwoo?"

I ask but before I can even look for that rainbow haired kid,A loud voice came booming in the kitchen.

"I'm here!"

He said with a paper bag on his left hand and a medium size box on his other hand.I give him a questioning look.

"BamBam said were going to held the Infinite Academy's 5th Anniversary today.So I rummage through my closet to find a suit."

He chirped and that hit me hard.


I forgot about the event!!!!


Aish!>.<I was so immersed on yesterday event that I already forgot about the program!

Aish!Why am I so stupid?!?!

"Gosh!I don't have something to wear!"

I whined as I dashed back to my room.
What should I wear?!!

I start on pulling out some of my dresses.I need a formal attire that can fit in the ball theme.


Wahhh!!!How can I forgot about that???!!!

"Need a dress?"

Chanwoo piped his head on my door.

"What else am I doing?"

"Answering a question with another question is rude."

I just rolled my eyes on him as I continue on looking for a descent dress to wear.

"Hajima.No need for that." (TR:Hajima-stop)

He then enter and place the medium size box on my bed.I squinted my eyes on it.
What is that?

"What's inside?"-me

" Go and look."

I slowly open the lid of the box and I gasp in bewilderment.

Inside of the box is a red gown with silver linings. It's shining with those glitters that scattered all over the fabric.

I examined it before pulling it out.The fabric is so soft and it looks.........expensive.

"W-Where did you get this?"

I finally found my voice to ask.

"Hmm...Your boyfriend leave it in front of our house earlier.Maybe he already know that you forgot to choose a dress to wear."

He explain with a teasing smirk.

I suddenly blush at the thought of Sungyeol giving me this elegant gown.Will it fit me?Will it look good to me?So many question enter my mind but I pushed it aside as I put the gown back on the box.

"You know what,I like Sungyeol-hyung for you."

I almost drop the box lid because of Chanwoo's choice of words.I stared at him with my mouth agape.

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