Chapter 11:Chanwoo

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~Chanwoo POV~

"Mianhe.I don't like you.Your not my type."

I said and everyone in the classroom 'woah'.
The girl who just confessed to me,bow and run away.....crying.

Well,I'm not expecting her to smile after I rejected her.To be honest I don't like seeing girls crying.But heck!I don't really like her!She's not ugly or so whatever,But she's just not my type.

"Nice one Bro!"

Bambam said and fist bump me.-_-What's nice about making a girl cry?

My appa said,A real man does not make girls cry.

He's my role model in life cause he always work hard for us.Even if sometimes his away from us,I know he thinks of us.He loves us....

Especially Eomma.He never made Eomma cry.And that's why I'm so amaze to him.I respect him because he is my father and he is also my idol.When I grow up,I wanna be like him!He never make a girl cry.....

"Tsk....I'm going."-me
" Leaving already?Wae?"-Yugyeom

My sister might--



I rolled my eyes.She's so loud.Aish!


They all just wave goodbye as I go to my sister.

"How's your day noona?"-me
" Good.But also bad!Ugh!I really hate that Sungyeol!He's so full of himself! "

She start rambling. I just shook my head.Everyday she will ramble about how much he hated that Sungyeol.She despise him the most.She even say that Sungyeol is confusing.

Sometimes,He's good.

Sometimes,He's not.

But oh well,I shouldn't mind them.

"Ji Yeon-ah!"

I hear someone call from behind and a man came running towards noona.o_0Who is this?He's a Chinese? Can he still see?He's eyes...........I can't see his eyes.

"Annyeonghaseyo,Sunggyu-sshi.Waegure?" (Hi Sunggyu,What's the matter?)Noona ask.I just bow slightly to the stranger.He smile on me.O_O

Wahhh!!!!He has no eyes!!!OMO!!!

"Annyeonghaseyo!Are you the dongsaeng of Ji Yeon?I'm Sunggyu.Her friend."

He introduced his self.I awkwardly nodded my head.He really has no eyes when he smile I SWEAR! 0.0

"Nice meeting you too."

I said and then Noona face me.

"Chanwoo.Go home now.I'm going to the shop.I repeat.GO.HOME.Immediately, Arrasso?" (Understand?)

Noona said with her scary face.Psh.As if I'm scared with that face!She looks like a puppy!^V^


"Take care!"

She yelled but I just waved my hand as I continue on walking.I turn my head to see if that Sunggyu is still with her.And ended,They were walking together.

Hmm....who is that man?Why is he so close to my noona?Is he the boyfriend of noona?



It can't happen!Noona can't have a boyfriend until she graduate!Ugh!Everyone who will try to court her will need to pass through me.

I don't want her to get hurt.And I'm not letting anyone to hurt her.

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