Chapter 23:Special Performance

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~Dongwoo POV~

"Hyung?Do you think she will like the gown?Will it fit her?"

I rolled my eyes because of irritation.

"Sungyeol,This is the twentieth time you ask me that!And yes she will like the gown and it will fit her.So please!Please stop?"

I said with my eyebrows furrowed together.
And he feel relieved after I answer his question. For Pete's Sake he's been asking me that question for the last few hours!

And I'm getting sick of it!

Me and the other members are here in our house readying ourselves for our special performance.

But since we got a boy who keep on asking question over and over again,We can't concentrate on the preparation.

Sungyeol is a bit,Crazy right now.As I could put it.

Ever since he dropped the gown in front of Ji Yeon's house earlier, he seems to be anxious.I don't know why though.

He's been spacing out for the past 3 hours and I will repeat it again, He keeps on Asking the same boring question.-_-

Sungyeol is really strange now.Ever since Chanwoo,Ji Yeon's dongsaeng gone missing,Sungyeol start to act differently.

It seems like,Someone hypnotized him and it made him change.

Maybe,Its Ji Yeon.

Ji Yeon change Sungyeol.

I don't know if my assumptions are true but all I know is, he's starting to develop some affection towards Ji Yeon.

I smirk to myself seeing how Ji Yeon slowly melt the ice-shield on Sungyeol's heart.

I know someday,They will fall in love with each other.Guess I'm right.Its just been a month since they got to pretend as fake couples and have the contract.But I can see they doesn't need to fake the relationship anymore.I can see that they don't need the contract.

I happily walk downstairs and saw that everyone else is ready.I grinned like a maniac.

Well,You can't blame me.Because the last time Sungyeol show affection to someone is ages ago.

"Ew.Hyung stop smiling like that.You look like a Dinosaur."

Sungjong cringed and I made a face.What the?Why does he need to ruin the mood?Aish!-_-

"Where's your respect maknae-yah?"

I ask in disbelief but he just rolled his eyes.
Here comes our sassy maknae.-_-

"So?What's up hyung?"-Howon

" Someone is in love!"

I said in my sing-sang voice as I plopped down on the couch.


Woohyun eagerly ask with wide eyes.

" A boy named Lee Sungyeol is fallen head over heels to a girl named Ji Yeon!"

I said and grinned.Myungsoo look at me with those cold stare he always have.

"Nah!We already know about that!"-Howon

"Its so obvious anyway."-Woohyun

I just nod my head.Its pretty obvious that they already know about this because of Sungyeol behavior whenever Ji Yeon is with him.

" And I guess Ji Yeon also likes hyung!"

Sungjong beamed and Myungsoo suddenly stood up from his chair.The chair made some screeching sound.

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