Chapter 13:Im Her Boyfriend

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~Sunggyu POV~

"Hyung.Do you know where is Myungsoo-hyung?"

Sungjong ask me in the middle of our eating session. I chew my food and swallow it before answering.

"Molla.Wae?" (TR:I don't know.Why?)

He sigh and rest his chin on the table.

"I think he's with Ji Yeon eomma again.I wish they would find Chanwoo.."

He state sadly.I stop eating my food and just stare at the chair in front of me.

Myungsoo told us last night about what happen to Ji Yeon and Her family.

Sigh.My daughter,Having a rough life.

Its already hard for her being attached to Sungyeol and now,His father cheat on them.

"What's the long face?"

Sungyeol suddenly came and sit in front of me.I was a bit startled because of his sudden appearance.

"Oh,Do you hear about what happen to Ji Yeon eomma?"

Sungjong ask while looking at me.

Eh?o_0Why looking on me?

"Aniyo.Wae?Something special?" (TR:Aniyo-No|Wae-Why)

Sungyeol ask without looking at us.As if he's not interested to know what happen to Ji Yeon.Well,He don't really know because he sleep early last night.


I already expect this.But,Don't he care for Ji Yeon?After all, Ji Yeon is already our friend.

"Her brother is missing."-me

He immediately look at me with that owl face of him.Pff....

" Mwo?"(TR:What?)

"Hyung your not a deaf.You hear it right.Chanwoo is missing and worst,Their father has another family."

Sungjong said and drink some water as Dongwoo came and sat beside me.


Why do they keep on coming?

I'm sure I will be the one who will pay for their bills.


"Annyeong Dongwoo-hyung."-Sungjong
" Anyyeonghaseyo.Huh?Why are you all looking serious?"-Dongwoo

I just look at Sungyeol who seems to be in deep thought.

What is he thinking?

"We are thinking of Ji Yeon eomma's problem."-Sungjong

" Hmmm...about Ji Yeon.I saw Myungsoo with her.I think they are going to the field?"

My head automatically turn to look at Dongwoo.Mwo?Myungsoo and Ji Yeon together?Why are they together?I taught they will eat here?Hmm....My dongsaeng is moving so fast eh?;)

"Andwae?She should be with me!"

My eyes widened and I look at Sungyeol.


What is he saying?

Ji Yeon should be with him?!OMO

All of us are shocked but Sungyeol cleared his throat and try to explain his self calmly.

"What I mean is.You know,People may think something bad.People might have some wrong conclusion about them being together.Because they all know that I am Ji Yeon's boyfriend."

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