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~Ji Yeon POV~

I was absolutely numb as I uncomfortably sat on the backseat.

I can hear my heart beating rapidly inside my chest.As if its going to explode any moment.

Everything seems to be in slow motion and I hate it!

"Woohyun-oppa?Can we go faster?"

I asked.

"Ji Yeon,Were still in the road.We need to be careful.Its dangerous.So please calm down?"

He answer making me frustrated.

I can't fucking relax at this moment!

Sungyeol is going to leave the country!
He's going to leave me.....
How can I calm down?!

I let out an excruciating sigh before looking out of the window.Tapping my fingers on my legs to at least soothe my intense figure.

The ride was so quiet that I can already hear my heart ramming on my chest.

Please Sungyeol,Don't go.....

My eyes widened when we suddenly halted.

"Were already here.Kaja!" (TR:Kaja-Let's go!)

Woohyun frantically said.I shuffled into my feet and we quickly run into the airport.I was sweating even though the weather is breezy.I only have Sungyeol in my mind.I can't think of any other else.


I was frantically looking around the airport.
I let out a groan when I realize that there are so many people in the area.

"How can we find Sungyeol in this sea of people?"

I murmured as my shoulders fall.I suddenly feel hopeless.

"Let's not give up.Let's separate,You go there and I go this side."

Woohyun immediately instructed.I reluctantly nodded my head before dashing to the we waiting area.The place he told me to search.

I examined all of the people around me.Hoping that I would find that big eyes of him.

I bump into several people,But I didn't even bother saying sorry.I was in a rush for heaven's sake!

Where are you Sungyeol-ah?

"Yah!Watch out!"

An old lady said with a frowned on his face. Obviously annoyed that I bumped into her.

Hot tears prickled on my cheeks as I lost hope.Will I still be able to find him?


My vision blurred as I slow down.

I suddenly bump I to someone because of my state.

I fall on my knees.


I stuttered.

"J-Ji Yeon?!"

My eyes rounded when I hear that familiar voice.

My breathing hitched as I slowly look up.

Even though my vision are blurred, I can still see his handsome face.The face that I've been dying to see.


I mumble.He looks shocked seeing me in this kind of situation.

"What are you doing he-"

I didn't let him finish as I stand up and threw my arms around his neck.


I nagged.I can't help but to shed more tears as I feel his arms wrapped tightly around my waist,pulling me closer to his warm body.

"Why?Why would you leave?Please don't leave us......"

I sobbed.

"Don't leave me..."

I whispered to his ear.

I know that I have no right to stop him.I'm not his girlfriend....

"Saranghe...Sungyeol-ah.Please don't go.I promise,If you don't leave.....I-I-I will never show up again!I-I will disappear in your life.S-So that you wouldn't have to be b-bothered....."

I said between sobs.As the words slip through my mouth,I can feel my heart aching.I can't do that.I can't.But I don't want him to leave.I rather stay away from him.

"Saranghe,Sungyeol Lee...."

I said as I slowly loosen up my grip.

This will be the last time he will see me.And I wish he will consider my suggestion.

As I was about to move away,A unexpected thing happen.

He suddenly pulled me closer.He hug me so tight I can't even breath.I was shocked at first.But I let my feelings take over me.I hugged him back.

"Aniya....please don't stay away from me..."

My forehead crumpled.I slightly pushed his chest.As we parted,I stare at him with an confused expression.

His eyes are red.Did he cry?


"I'm sorry for causing you pain.I hate myself for hurting you.I thought that.....that when I leave,You'll be fine!Y-You will be happy because there will be no more pain.....but,I'm wrong.Mianhe....I just don't want to hurt you.I want you to be happy...."

I was taken aback at what he said.

"But I'm happy with you!"

I exclaimed.He stare at me for awhile.His eyes are full of affection and adoration.
As if he's looking on a bundle of golds and diamond.

He slowly smile as he carefully caressed my cheeks.So light,as if I was fragile.

"Saranghe...Ji Yeon Hwang.I love you so much...."

He whispered.

My mouth parted.

Is it true?

Or am I dreaming again?

Sungyeol.....loves me?He also love me?

A smile slowly tugged my lips.I feel like I'm in heaven after hearing his words.He loves me.The man I love,Loves me back.I start to cry again.But this tears are tears of joy.
I was so happy.Wishes do come true.

"Will you Be My Girlfriend?This time,For real."

My smile grew wide.

"Yes.I will be your girlfriend.I love you...."

I said before he slowly lean in.My heart start to rammed on my chest as the distance between us shorten.


Were together.



And its official.This is the ending of BMG.huhuhu...I never thought I could end this with 3k+ reads!And more than 200 votes.


*bows 20×

So this is it.I'm finally saying goodbye.

Please support my other stories!

Thanks again!:*



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