Chapter 15: I Like Who?

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A/N:Annyeonghaseyo! Mianheayo for not updating last week.I'm so preoccupied this fast few days.And now that I'm mentally fine,Enjoy the chapter!

P.S:Thank you for those who keep on voting and supporting this book.I Love you co-Inspirits!


~Ji Yeon POV~

I sigh.Its another day and still,My brother is missing.Aish!I miss him already.Why does he need to do this?He knows that we need each other to conquer this problem.

"Ji Yeon-ah?Someone is waiting for you."

I hear my Eomma said and knocked on my door.


Someone is waiting for me?And who is that?I tie my hair into a bun and go outside.

"Eomma?Who's the visitor?"

"Our neighbor."


Don't tell me....

I quickly dashed outside.And to my disbelief.
Its them.


Sungjong greeted me with a smile.

"W-What are you doing here?"

I ask and close our small gate.

"Where here to pick you up."-Sunggyu
" And to help you find Chanwoo."-Dongwoo

Aww....I'm touched.They're really going to help me?Ohmy.I'm so lucky to have them.

"Kamsahamnida." (TR:Thank you)

"Now,Now.Let's go Eomma?We don't wanna be late right?"

Woohyun said while smiling sweetly on me.

I look behind them.Where is Myungsoo and Sungyeol?


Why am I even looking for them?

"Uhm,네!" (TR:Uhm,Yes)

We all walk together towards the school.And were so noisy.-_-
Yeah,They keep on telling me stories that I found very funny.Especially the one when Sungjong go to the Clothes Department,A saleslady thinks that he's a girl.^v^

How hilarious is that?

After a awhile,We finally reach the school.

"Ji Yeon-ah.Were going now.We'll try to ask our classmates if they know where is Chanwoo."

Howon oppa said while patting my shoulder.
I just give him a shy smile.Actually,I don't really like dragging them in my problem.I don't want to be a burdened to them.But sometimes I think their right.

Maybe I need a friend to help me.

"고맙습니다" (TR:Thank you so much)

I said and bow 90 degrees to show my gratitude.

"Ah...천만에요."(TR:Your welcome)

They all chorused and give me a smile that will melt my heart.>.<


After Dongwoo,Howon and Sunggyu oppa left,Woohyun draped his arms around my shoulder.

"Don't worry Eomma,We'll gonna find Chanwoo!Hwaiting!"

He chirped and ruffled my hair.But Sungjong removed his arms on my shoulder and pulled us apart.


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