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I stare at him dumbfounded.

Do I hear him right?Am I dreaming?I don't know but when he ask me that question,I....I...Ugh!I feel my heart beating so fast! What's happening?

"Yah!Should I call you clumsy-deaf-idiot now?"

He ask as he rolled his eyes for the ninth time!


"I'm asking you, Be my girlfriend."

He once again said and I felt goosebumps on my skin.>~<
What the hell?


I whisper the last part and look down.

"What?Shy on me?Wae?Already falling for me?"

He ask and when I look at him,I saw him smirking.-____-So full of himself.

"As if.It would never happen!I would never fall in love with a arrogant, ungentlemanly, jerk,grouchy man like you!"

I said and walked out of his room.=___=
Ugh!I really hate him!Oh god!I wish I could bear to be with him!I wish I could deal with this life!

~Third Person POV~

After Ji Yeon leave,Sungyeol had this famous expression of his.The poker face.

He was stunned.He didn't know that Ji Yeon has all the worst impression for him.

But then,He smiled.He like seeing Ji Yeon angry.He thinks Ji Yeon is cute when she's annoyed.

"Neomu Neomu kyeopta..."

He whisper as he plugged his earphone and play some music.He don't know but,It's seems like he wants to change Ji Yeon's first impression on him.

'Ugh!Am I crazy now?So what if he think that way towards me?So what if he don't like me?'

He thought as he keep on moving and shifting on his bed.He wants to sleep but his eyes don't want to close.He feel hopeless so he stood up.

He grabbed his phone and start to search for Ji Yeon's Facebook account.

He has a smile plastered on his face while searching.He's planning to annoyed and to bug Ji Yeon through Facebook.But he's smile was replaced by a frown.

There are so many Ji Yeon account result.

Feeling frustrated,He just throw his phone to his bed.

He feel disappointed. He can't be online friend with Ji Yeon.He can't see her pictures,Her status and etc.

'Aish!What am I thinking?Am I crazy?Should I consult a doctor now?What is happening to me?!'

"Hwang Ji Yeon,The clumsy idiot girl.What are you doing to me?"


-Woohyun POV-

I look at Ji Yeon who angrily walk towards the kitchen. We all look at her.
Actually,I don't know if I made the right decision on agreeing to that stupid 'solution' of Dongwoo hyung.

I know Ji Yeon will suffer in Sungyeol's hand.-_____-That kid is so heartless.But I can't blame him though.He suffer too much,And its enough for him to let ice envelope his heart.

Sigh,My dongsaeng.

"Is Eomma alright?"

We averted our attention to the maknae.

"Molla..."(I don't know)

I muttered.

" I wish she can survive for two months.Their fake relationship will last for two months or so."

Sunggyu hyung said and Myungsoo suddenly stood up and stomped his feet upstairs.

We all look at each other.

What's the matter with Myungsoo?He should be happy because we come up with a great solution.Or he....

I shook that thought aside.He don't like Ji Yeon.He'll never....

I know him.

And Ji Yeon is not his type.

I wish so......

Suddenly,Sungyeol went down and plopped to the couch I was in.

"Yah,Sungyeol-ahh.What did you do to Ji Yeon?Do you annoyed her again?"

Hoya hyung said while getting some potato ships that appear beside.....me???
I didn't notice that.

"Tsk..I just give her some paper and let her sign on it for our agreement."

Our eyes widened and my mouth form into a perfect O

"Always ready eh."

Dongwoo hyung tease which made us laugh because Sungyeol rolled his eyes.Aish!Isn't it painful for the eyes if you keep on rolling it?He always roll his eyes here and there.=___=


He yelled and Ji Yeon came back with a smile on her face.She has a canister of Chocolate Ice cream and a try with spoons and small bowl.

" Let's have some Icy treat!"

She said and give us some bowl and spoons.

"Gomawo Ji Yeon!"

We all said and give her a smile.
When it was Sungyeol's turn to get the spoon.I'm thinking that Ji Yeon would not give him some.

But I was shocked when she give Sungyeol spoon and bowl and smile a little.Woah!She's easy to forgive and to forget huh...

And my eyes become more bigger(if that is even possible)When Sungyeol smile back at Ji Yeon.


Am I dreaming???

Sungyeol smile again!!!!!
He smile to a girl again!!!!!

MWOYA?!Is it the end of the world?!?!(OK I'm overreacting)

Ji Yeon sat next to the maknae and they start to have a little chat and so the others while Sungyeol is enjoying his cold sweet.

I took glances on Ji Yeon and on Sungyeol.But my interest piqued when I saw Sungyeol stole a glance on Ji Yeon and continue eating while smiling.


Should I know something????

Hmmmm......Let's see what we can do about this.

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Be My Girlfriend (Lee Sungyeol FF)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now