Chapter 26:Comfort & Punches

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~Ji Yeon POV~

I stare blankly at the ceiling here in my room.

Trying to remember how I ended up here in my bed.

Last night.......

Is it just a nightmare?And I'm finally awake now?I let out a sigh.I wish that everything is just a dream.

A dreadful dream.

I wish Myungsoo doesn't hate me and I'm still Sungyeol's girlfriend.

But when I felt the nerve wrecking pain in my chest,I know that its not a dream.

Myungsoo confessed to me and I rejected him.

Sungyeol,Break the contract.

A tear silently slid down on my face.

Remembering Myungsoo's lonely face.How he confessed to me with those warm eyes of his.How lovingly his stare is.I closed my eyes,Trying not to remember the chest clenching face of Myungsoo.

And here is Sungyeol......

The guy who give me my first heartbreak.

My first crush.....or first love?

The way he look at me,Its painful.He's emotionless facade flashed in my mind,
And it made me flinched.

I don't want to remember the events with Sungyeol last night.

I want to forget it.

I want to forget how he pushed me away.
I want to forget how he look at me with no care at all.I want to forget that I actually fall for him and love him.I want to forget the pain he caused me.

I slowly sit up.Trying all my best to not shed more tears.I can feel my eyes sting.

I made my way to the bathroom and when I look at my reflection in the mirror,I cringed.

Puffy and swollen-red eyes;With mascara scattered around my face,plus the messed up hair of mine,I look awful.

I sigh at how ugly I look like.

Is this the reason why Sungyeol can't like me?Because I'm not beautiful enough for him?Because Yesung is way better than me?

I shut my eyes closed when the pain strikes again.I let out a shaky sigh as I wipe the tears that escape from my eyes.

I washed up my face and lazily dressed up.This day seems to be a gloomy day for me.Even if the sun shines so bright outside.I want to stay at home.I want to locked up in my room.And just stare at an empty space.I was so feeling down that I just lost my appetite and energetic vibes.

"You look miserable."

I hear Chanwoo's voice and when I look up,I saw him leaning on my room's door.He has that serious face and I know this is not the time to fool around.So basically,He's not teasing or mocking me.

"I know...."

I said only audible for me to hear.He walk and stand in the corner of my bed.Looking at me up and down,I can't have the energy to feel irritated at the intensity of his gaze.

"I never know he's going to make you like this."

He said in a dangerously low voice,Making me shudder.

I didn't dare to speak.Because like Chanwoo,I never imagine Sungyeol can make me like this.I never imagine he can hurt me so damn much.

"I wish I didn't let you date him.I shouldn't trust him so easily.I should protect you.Its all my fault for not acting like a man."

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