Chapter 25:Tears

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~Ji Yeon POV~

I stare at him with mouth agape.

My body froze.

We continue to share eye contact.

I was still processing everything that Myungsoo say.

He loves me.

Kim Myungsoo loves me.

Should I believe it?Who would thought that someone as good looking as him would like me?A normal girl.

He seems to be waiting for my answer.

But like the old phrase people say,A cat seems to caught my tongue. I was out of words as I stare at him befuddled.

"OMO.Why do Myungsoo and Ji Yeon seems to be so close?"

"Do they like each other?"

"Sungyeol is Ji Yeon's boyfriend right?Where is he?"

"Ji Yeon should be dancing with Sungyeol!"

I snapped out of my thoughts after hearing the other students words.

Myungsoo is waiting for my answer and were already starting to caught some attention.

I want to answer.But what should I answer?

I don't want to break his heart.I don't want him to feel neglected. But I also doesn't want to lie and accept his confession.I don't feel the same way.Because I know I already like Sungyeol.

I open my mouth ready to speak when I saw Sungyeol's silhouette figure behind Myungsoo.He's looking at us with a questioning look.

My heart quickened its pace as Sungyeol turned around and leave.

I pulled away from Myungsoo to follow him.

I need to explain.

But Myungsoo grabbed my elbow.

I look at him,But I quickly regret it.

He's looking at me with sorrowful eyes.
Pain is vivid on his face.

I can't help but to feel guilty.My chest tightened. I can't bear to see Myungsoo like this.


"Don't follow him."

He firmly said.But the pain is obvious on his voice.He look at me with pleading eyes.My heart hurt so much at this kind of sight.Hot tears start to form in the corner of my eyes.Knowing that I'm the reason of his agony.

I want to comfort him and stay here with him.But I need to talk to Sungyeol.

"Mianhe...I need to follow him."

"You don't need to follow him...."

He look at the floor as he slowly let his hand slid down on my arm.

"You just want to follow him...."

He murmured.

I can't contain my tears anymore and it falls down on my cheeks.My heart hurt.As if something is clenching it tightly.I want to hug him but he moved away from me.

"I'm sorry..."

I whispered as I fight my tears and decided to follow Sungyeol.

I choose him over Myungsoo.

My tears blurred my vision as I keep on running to find Sungyeol.

I never thought I can hurt a good friend like Myungsoo.I never imagined that he'll like me and I will reject him.I know every girl would die just to date him.While me?He likes me.But I can't return his feelings.I don't deserve him.

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