Chapter 9:Lover Rules

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~Sungyeol POV~

"Fine!I agree!"

I was shocked because of Ji Yeon's sudden outburst.I never expected her to agree.


We all stare at her.

Fine.She agree,I agree.Were already lovers.How nice.(Note the sarcasm)-___-

"Uhm...I think...Sungyeol hyung and Eomma need to talk....Privately."

Sungjong say with hand gestures.I sigh and stand up.I go to my room.

What the hell is wrong with me?!Why do I have to tell everyone that I'm that clumsy idiot girl's boyfriend?=__=

I hate myself for doing that!You know.I hate the fact that I need to be attached to that clumsy idiot girl.And I hate the fact that I need to take all the blame.Tsk....

I'm just caring!Is it bad to be a concern student?But ugh!I know its also my fault.I don't know.My brain stop functioning the moment I saw her.Yuri....


I snap out out of my thoughts when the idiot girl shout.-____-So annoying.

"We need to discuss things."

She said and sat comfortably on my bed.I hissed.

"Don't sit there.I don't like other people sitting on my bed."

I said and start to search for a fake lovers rule.

"Tch.So many #&*%*#$"

I didn't hear what she say because she just whisper it.-__-Nobody cares.I don't care.

To be honest,I should be studying now and resting but because of this agreement,I need to waste my time on this things.But sad to say I deserve this.I.made this situation right?

I quickly pass the paperwork's my classmate gave me.Because that classmate of mine also experience this kind of situation. I pass the paper to the clumsy idiot girl beside my bed.Standing clueless.

"We should follow that Lovers Rule so that,Everyone will believe that we are 'love birds'"

I said while doing air quotation.>~<I'm gonna sulk because of the things I'm saying.Love Birds? So cliché!-____-

"Lovers Rule?"

She read out loud while examining the paperwork's. I stare at her......

I think,I'm not going to regret being with her?Cause you know,She's pretty even though she's idiot and clumsy.

I smirk.I can guarantee that I would never fall in love with her.Cause she got all the things I hate on girls....

~Ji Yeon POV~

I read every number of the rules.Well,Its all good and I like it.

/Lovers Rules/

#1.Have endearments.

#2.Be good to each other.

#3.Do lovely-dovey things in public.

#4.Always think that you two are only 'FAKE' Lovers.

#5.No one should fall in love with each other....

"I.Hwang Ji Yeon,Promise to not fall in love with Lee Sungyeol."

I said out loud making Sungyeol rolled his eyes.....Again.Tch.....
I'm just guaranteeing myself and him that there would never be string attached on us.I look at the paper again.

Sign by:

I look at Sungyeol before getting a ballpen from my pocket. The rules seem nice so I will sign it already.After signing it,Sungyeol quickly snatch his paperwork


Tsk....No respect.Aish!

He sign it and then lay on his bed.I look at him dumbfounded. Did he forget that I'm still here?

"I'll call you Jagi."

He said and goosebumps instantly appear on my skin.


What the....


I ask as I come closer.I think I misheard him.Right?He didn't call me Jagi right??

"Are you deaf?I said our endearment is Jagi/Jagiya.I call you jagiya.You call me Jagi."

He finish while playing on his phone.


What the hades?!?!

I give him a disgusted look and he saw it.He quickly rolled his eyes on me.

"I know its cliché. Its also disgust me."

He said and I really want to get his eyeballs cause he keep on rolling his eyes!Like ugh!!!!So annoying.

"Yah!You didn't even ask me to be your girlfriend."

I whisper the last part.

Sigh.I really want to be ask...

I want my first boyfriend to give an effort...

That's special for girls like me.Right?


I'm dissapointed.I need to be in a relationship with a total stranger.Cause I don't consider him as a friend and he's not an enemy.So he's a stranger for me...

"Be my girlfriend."






































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