Chapter 3:Lee Sungyeol

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~Ji Yeon POV~

Another day come and here I am.Walking with my annoying brother.

He keep telling me that there are so many girls who confess to him yesterday.

=___=Don't care.

I stop walking when I saw the man.

The man I bumped into yesterday.

The arrogant man.

The one who has the cold stare.

"Hey you!"

I yelled.My brother stop talking to me and he also saw the man.

"Oh.Its you."

Chanwoo said looking at Mr.Arrogant.That will be his name.Since I don't know his name.And his arrogant by the way.

He look at us with his famous emotionless face and cold stare.


He said.

"Yah.What is your name?"

I ask.Its not that I like him.I just want to know.I'm curios. Why?I dunno.o_0

"I don't give my name to strangers."

He said.Okay, He has a point.Very well said.....

"Fine.My name is Hwang Ji Yeon.And this is my brother,Chanwoo.Now Mister, Tell me your name."

I said after I pointed to Chanwoo.
He just stare at me.

"Your not my close friend.So your still a stranger for me."

He said and enter that black Ferrari.


Oh my god!I hate him!!Ugh!!!!

I stomped my feet as I continue on walking to school.Chanwoo stay silent.

I wondered what happen to him.

But ugh!!I was in a bad mood because of that arrogant man.I'm just asking his name but then he just...ARGH!!!

I HATE HIM!!!!!>~<

But anyway,Why would I bother to ask his name right?I'm so stupid!>.<I shouldn't ask that!Ugh!

Stop!Move on!

Accept the fact that it already happen.

I just continue walking in peace....

~At School~

I was busy fixing my things inside my locker when suddenly,Someone close it and my finger was stuck inside.

I feel it sting.

I angrily look at the one who close it.
Its a girl around my age.


I said lowly emphasizing every word.

"Your the new girl right?The one who flirted with my Myungsoo."

She glared at me.I want to pushed her hand away so I could get my fingers out.It really hurt.

"I don't know what your saying.I never flirted with Myungsoo."

I said trying to hide the pain I'm feeling by my emotionless face.But deep inside,I'm already screaming in pain.

"Shut up!!You did!You flirted with Myungsoo!I saw you at the canteen!"

She yelled.I remember.Myungsoo and I talk because he return my handkerchief. But,We just talk.I never flirted!

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