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Yeah I know it's already late but,I just wanted to celebrate 'Be My Girlfriend's' first anniversary❗❗❗🎉🎉🎆🎆

Yeah,I'm just so glad I managed to end this first Fanfic of mine. And,It is my first story to reach 8k+ reads😣

I'm just so grateful guys!😘😘

I'm so thankful to all of you,Because without those people who read this story,I can never end this book. So I'm just so happy😊 and I hope that some of you are still not deleting this story on your library.

So,I'm just here to tell you that I'm going to make the story of Ji Yeon and Sungyeol's children based on my love story.( if it's okay though...)

First,I'm going to share the story....

Whether you believe it or not,It's not my problem anymore,because all the things that is written in this chapter is TRUE. Not just an imagination of mine.


So here how it all began.

Last year,When I was still in my second year in high school,My classmates made a group chat for our section. It started one month before school year started.

So I was added in the group,And we all chatted like we're already close even if we doesn't even meet each other yet.

So this one man,He send a private message on me. He said;


Yeah,A plain hi and I replied with a simple 'hello'

Then the conversation between us started.

We always message each other. Yeah,Through Social Media. He would always asked if I already eat or what am I doing. Because of that,We become close to each other. We always sleep at 1 AM in the morning and we both wakes up at 9 AM. There's not a single day that we didn't message each other.

It's whether me or him to start the conversation.

Then,After awhile,He started calling me 'bunso' ( bunso means 'youngest' in my country )

And because I'm a kpopper,I started calling him Oppa. And he didn't mind though,He said it's cute because I'm one year younger than him.

So our endearment is that.

And I know by the time school is about to start,I already like him.

Like hell,He's handsome and cute at the same time. He's smart,kind,sweet and caring too. That's why I fall for him.
And whenever he tell me 'I love you bunso..." Gosh! I just melt😣😍

Yeah,We always say 'I love you's' to each other. But I silently hoped that he meant he really do love me,Not just as a friend or a younger sister. ( Yeah I'm a bit of hoping for him to like me. )

Then 2nd year school started and we grow apart. I tried messaging him but he would always tell that he's doing something or what. We're still close,But not as close as before that we talk every minute of the day. We didn't even say 'I love you's' to each other anymore.

And after three months,He got a GF.
I bet it's the reason why he distant his self from me....

Yes,And it seriously broke my heart.😭😭😭😭😭

I really shed tears that time.

And so I promised that I'm not going to fall for him again. I tried to move on and with the help of my friends,I finally succeed.

Be My Girlfriend (Lee Sungyeol FF)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now