Special Chapter #1

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The strong wind hit the handsome face of an unknown lad beside the seashore.
But despite of the impact,He didn't care.

All he know is the place is peaceful and he wants to stay.

Trying to mend his broken heart by just staring at the horizon.

He was in deep pain,And he thinks that staying here in the cold winter weather will help him forget everything.He thinks that the pain will disappear when he turn numb.

But who was he fooling?

He can't even erase the face of his beloved girl in his mind.

How she smile,How she talks even the way she pouted,He can clearly remember everything about her.

The mysterious lad who goes to the name Kim Myungsoo sigh.

He was still staring at the beautiful sunset until someone sit beside him.He didn't notice it at first. He was too immersed looking at the view.

The girl,Who just sit beside him examined his handsome face.From his jet black hair,Up to his kissable lips.

Myungsoo sense the intense stare and quickly look beside him.

Myungsoo sense the intense stare and quickly look beside him

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The girl yelped in surprise.

Myungsoo coldly stare at her.Trying to make an excuse as to why the mysterious girl is staring at him.

'Who is she?'

He thought.The girl cleared her throat and shyly smile to Myungsoo.

"A-Annyeonghaseyo,I-I'm Tzuyu...."

She introduce herself,Trying her best not to stutter in embarrassment.

Myungsoo just stare at her for awhile before turning his gaze back to the beautiful view in front of him

But the girl was persistent.

She wants to get close to Myungsoo.

Let's say that Myungsoo catch her interest the first time she laid her eyes on him.

"I've notice that your already sitting here for almost 3 hours?I bet your butt already hurt."

She said and add a little giggle at the end.

But Myungsoo remained emotionless. He wasn't an idiot to not notice the girl's intention.

The girl;Tzuyu pouted at the latter's coldness.But she's not the type of person who gave up so easily.She wants Myungsoo's attention....

"You know what,A friend of mine say that,If you love someone....you should set her free.If that's what makes her happier..."

She said.She already know Myungsoo's problem.Just by looking at his eyes,Even in the side view,She already sense the sadness and agony.

Myungsoo can't help but look at her through his peripheral vision.

Tzuyu's words caught him by surprise.

'Did she know my problem?Am I too obvious?'

He questioned his self.

Seeing his troubled face,Tzuyu smile.Satisfied at her work.

She know that sooner or later,She will caught the cold man's attention.And it happen so fast.

"Is it your problem?You love someone but she doesn't love you back?And for her sake,You let her go?

She asked,Making sure that her conclusion is right.

Myungsoo sigh.This time,He look at Tzuyu.It made the girl's heart melt.She was captivated by the latter's beauty.

"Your so observant.Do you know that?"

He ask before playing with the brown sand beneath him.

She smiled.


She thought before shifting her position and moving closer to Myungsoo.

"Yep.I know that...So I'm right about my conclusion?"

She ask,closely watching Myungsoo's actions.

"Neh...." (TR:Yes)

He answer,Still looking down.

"Hayst!As expected.You know what,You don't have to be gloomy because of that.Your here to move on right?Then try to move on!"

She exclaimed.

Myungsoo briefly glance at her.Realizing something.

Yes he's here to move forward and forget.But why does he keep on thinking about his past?About Ji Yeon?He should make a way to move on.

He wouldn't forget his heartbreak if he didn't do anything.

Myungsoo fully turn his face to Tzuyu,slightly startling the fragile women.

"Your right...."

He whispered.

Tzuyu smile before extending her hands.

"I'm Tzuyu..."

This time,Myungsoo accept the handshake.


Tzuyu's heart flutter because of the lad's warm hand.

"Uhm...So,Did you enjoy the view?"

Tzuyu ask,Trying to make a new conversation to at least help Myungsoo forget.

"Neh....I like sunset and sunrise....How about you?"

Tzuyu smile and look at the sunset.

Both of them talk until night....

And unbelievably, Myungsoo forget Ji Yeon for awhile.....

He try to be happy.....

He's slowly moving on....


A/N: Surprise!!

Are you shocked because I update a special chapter?Well,I just miss writing this.And,I know some of you are curious about Myungsoo and Yesung.I know you all wants to know what happen to them...

And for my Special Chapter #1,Myungsoo is moving on.And,He has a new partner;)

And for the SC #2,Its about Yesung.

Some of my readers already deleted this to their library,But I hope you still can read this SC.


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