Chapter 18:Rooftop

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A/N:Annyeonghaseyo readers!So,Uhm...I made a mistake on the Chapters number.So this chapter supposed to be chapter 18.Cause I forgot to add number on the 'Untitled' and on the 'Fight' and since I'm a lazy author -_- I'm not going to correct it so this chapter will be chapter 18.That's all.Sorry for inconvenience!


~Ji Yeon POV~


I groggily sat up and turn my alarm clock off.Ah!another morning.I slowly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

I feel a little bit better now because yesterday,I receive a text from Chanwoo saying that he's fine and will come back soon.

I hope so.

I really want him to come back as soon as possible.We really need him.Eomma shed some tears when she read Chanwoo's message but she's also glad.

Aish!That kid.I'm still determined to spank him when he come back.Duh!He's a pain in the head!>.<

I put on my uniform.

"Eomma,I'm leaving."

I said as I walk in the kitchen.

"Why don't you eat first?"

"Aniyo,I'm fine.I'm just going to eat there when my stomach growl."

I said.Eomma came near me and hug me.

"Ji Yeon-ah.I know your still hurting.I know you hate your Appa because of what he did.But please.Forgive your Appa."

I can't help but to shed tears as confusion envelope my mind.

What is this?Why do Eomma need to ask for me to forgive Appa?Appa is the one who should beg me.

"Eomma,What are you saying?"

I said as I pull away from the hug.

"Aegi,He is still your Appa.And,If he give in to temptation,he doesn't mean it."

Sudden rushed of vexation overwhelmed me.Is she siding Appa's side? Is she saying that Appa is innocent?

"I don't get you Eomma.Why are you defending him?!He cheat on you,On Us!He hurt you and lie on us!Why are you siding him?!"

I can't help but to raised my voice as the tears in my cheeks dried up.I can't help but to let this vexation that I feel control me.

"I love him."

With that simple word.I stop. I was rooted on my spot.S-She loves Appa?That's the main reason?

"I love him that's why I'm defending him!He is your Appa!"

She said and broke down.


Love can really make you stupid.Now I believed it.You can do pathetic things because of love.It can make you injured the pain your love one's give you.

I scooped towards Eomma's side and hug her.She also hug me back as I keep on saying sorry and soothing words.


I just stare at nothing in particular in our room.I was in deep thought as I let time flies so lunch will be over.


I have no appetite so I skip lunch and just stay here in the classroom.

Sunggyu-oppa already try to force me on eating.But I stay stubborn and I refuse his offer.

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