Chapter 12:Finding Chanwoo

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~Ji Yeon POV~

"Ne.Get well soon will you?"

[Kure!Thank you for the care.Love you Ji Yeon....]

I smile as I hear Bona giggle a little from the other line.



Then I end the call.I was walking back home from the shop.Its already 6:22 and I'm sure Eomma already cook something delicious! ^v^

Sigh.I wish Bona can get well soon.

She's sick that's why I'm so worried about her.She's one of my best friend.And I'm really lucky to have her.Even if sometimes,She's really annoying.-_-

"Ji Yeon?"


I almost jump because of that husky voice who called my name.I look up and saw Myungsoo.



Why is he here?Its already late.

"Why are you here?"-Myungsoo
" Uhm...I'm going home from work.How about you?"-me
"Ah...Uhm...J-Just having a walk.Yeah,Walk."-Myungsoo

I nodded as I continue walking.

" Can I join you back home?I'm also going home."

He said.I smile and nodded.

Myungsoo-ssi is really a good person.
Maybe he has the cold shoulder but,He is still nice.

"Are you tired?"

He suddenly ask.

"A little bit.But,I'm happy with my job."

I said and smile while looking at the floor.Counting my steps.

We continue walking in silence but I like the peaceful atmosphere. Its not awkward or so whatever.It's somehow.....comforting.

Maybe Myungsoo has that characteristics that you will like even if he's not talking.He's  presence can somehow relax you.

We stop in front of our house and I face him.He's looking at me with his hands stuff on his pockets.

"Kamsahamnida for accompanying me!See you tomorrow."

I said with a bright smile and bow 90 degrees.

He chuckled making me giggle.Maybe in his mind,He's saying that I'm so silly.Hahaha....

"Ji Yeon-ah!"

My eyes widened when I hear Eomma's voice and when I turned around,I saw eomma crying.


"Eomma!Waeyo?!Why are you crying?!"

I ask as I rub smooth circles on her back.
She hug me tight and all I could do is look at Myungsoo with a crumpled forehead cause I don't really know what's happening!

Is there something wrong that happen to Chanwoo?

Myungsoo just give me look and just stand there not knowing what to do.

"Eomma.Tell me what happen.Is there something wrong?"

Eomma look at me with a sorrowful eyes making my heart ache.

"Chanwoo leave the house....He's so angry...."

"What?Why did he leave?"-me

" Ji Yeon,He's angry.......B-Because...*hic*  he found out ....*hic*a-about your fathers......your fathers other family."

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