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~Ji Yeon POV~

Look at how time flies.It's Already Friday!!!! (\^o^/)

I happily walk in the corridor since Chanwoo said he'll going to pick up his project partner.

That kid grow up so fast....
I know that he'll just going to pick up the girl that he's been talking about.

Hayst!Kids this day.....


I turn around only to be greeted by my third son,Sungjong.


He put his arms around me and join me on walking.And all the girl that see us give Sungjong a smile but when they look towards me,They send me daggers.

Ugh!I hate those stares.

We finally reach Sungjong's room.The 1-3.Chanwoo and Sungjong has the same grade level but the opposite section.

"Eomma.Woohyun-hyung is over there.He'll going to dropped you to your room."

He said and kiss me on my cheeks before entering his room.Everyone gasp because of what they saw.I'm use to it anyway.He's really a sweet son...

"Tto-bwayo,Eomma!" (See you later,Eomma)

He waved and I just waved back.Until someone covered my eyes.I gasp and panicked cause I don't know who it was.

"Guess who."

I calmed down when I recognized his voice.Tsk.Here comes the tree.


He let go of me and I turned around.
He has a huge grinned.

"Kajja to your room Eomma?"

He ask and I just nod as we start walking while talking.Its already a part of our daily routine.

Sungjong will wait for me so I could drop him to his room and then Woohyun will take me to my room.And at lunch,My 'father' Sunggyu appa will be the one to take me to their special place and we will eat together.Of course,Sungyeol and Myungsoo wasn't there.

I wonder,Is Myungsoo-Oppa avoiding me??

"Eomma!I said were here!"

Woohyun almost yell.I snapped back to reality.


"Arasso!I'll see you later!"

Then he leave.As I start walking towards my seat I can feel death glares everywhere.And I'm already immune on those stare.

As long as they don't hurt me,I have no problem...

~School Gym~

I finished tying my shoelaces when I decided to find Bona.She said she will just greet her brother.

As I was roaming my eyes to see any sign of her,Someone pushed me.

I gasp and look who did that.

Another gasp escape my lips when I saw who it was.Oh Yesung.....

She smirked at me.

"Long time no see,Ji Yeon girl."

She said in a sickening sweet voice.I start to get nervous.My hands are still injured and I can't fight her in my condition.

"Did you know that I've been waiting for this."

She said as she take a step forward towards me.Everyone start to whisper about what's happening.I want to run.But I won't,I didn't do anything wrong.

"Well,I don't think your pleased to see me.Wae?Still afraid of what I did before?Such a coward."

She laugh evilly. I stiffened because of her laugh.She looks like a witch right now.

"Fight me!Don't be a coward!!"

She hold both of my shoulders and start on shaking me.I flinched.I'm hurting because of her grip's on my shoulder.

"Hajima!I won't fight you!"

I yelled as I pushed her away.But she won't budge. Instead,I feel my right cheeks sting.And everybody 'woah'

S-S-She slapped me....

I look at her with fury eyes.Nobody slaps me before.Even my parents.And she?Who is she to slapped me?!

I feel insulted.

I was about to slapped her back.She's too much!

But a hand stop me and pushed me behind....HIM???



My eyes widened when I recognized who it was.He save me again....

"Hajima!I warned you before right?!Why are you still doing this?!"

Sungyeol...Yes,Its Sungyeol.He yelled at the top of his lungs.I flinched.He's like a monster who just explode with angriness right now.

"What do you want and you keep on doing this?!"

He yelled again and Yesung laugh bitterly.


She bursted making everyone gasp,Including me.

I-Is she Y-Yuri???

"I thought you don't want to be with me anymore?!You even change your name into Yesung so that no one will remember OUR past!And now your saying this to me?!Just Damn!Yuri..."

Sungyeol yell.He said the name 'Yuri' venomously. Its the first time I see him like this.Full of fury....

"Mianhe!Jeongmal mianhe!I didn't mean that!I am just confused that time!"

Yesung said back.Now,I'm so confused.I thought Yesung likes Myungsoo?And now....What the hell is happening?!

"Aniya!Just go with Myungsoo.You like him more than me right?!"-Sungyeol
" Aniya!I love you!Sungyeol-ahh."

She hold into Sungyeol's sleeves.I can't believe I'm witnessing this kind of drama.I thought this kind of problem only exist in the K-Drama's or movies.

Sungyeol swatted her hands away making her stumble.

"I will never love you back..."

"ANDWAE?!Is it because of that new girl?!Is she the reason?!"

Yesung/Yuri pointed on me.I was about to answer a 'No' when Sungyeol pull me closer towards him and wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

"Yes.She is the reason.She's my girlfriend....."















Ohmygosh!!!0.0SungYeon love team will arise!! Its the beginning of the REAL story.

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