Kou || [A] Crossfire

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a/n: song inspired.

please don't read this if you have not fully read ajin (which you should have caught up...)

He had traded his guns for love, but he was caught in a crossfire. And Kou kept waking up, not to the sound of birds. The tyranny, the violent streets had deprived of what everyone was blessed with. Sato caused an uprising; it was humans against ajins; all or nothing.

Though, Kou, only a young dropout, was an ajin as well, trying to fight against Sato alongside with Kei. He never asked for any of this, to die so endlessly, but it was for the greater; the greater being you. You were the girl he madly fell in love with and he was willing to protect you. He put the million of lives he had on the line just so your one and only life.

Kou only asked for a simple life, especially one to live besides you, but his dreams instantly shattered when he found out he was an ajin as well.

He would trade his luck although, to know why he was caught in this crossfire. And you two were here, waking up to the sun and sounds of birds.

The both of you, with Kei, were currently uncover in the building, waiting for Sato's ambush. The three of you wearing guard uniforms. But earlier, Kou had objected to you going along in the battlefield, yet Kei shut him up and told him that you'd be fine.

When the police had found the three of you at the north stairs, they had recognized Kei Nagai, ready to aim for him with tranquilizers. Kei's face harden and he quickly grabs you, his arm around your neck as he points his gun at Kou's head. "DON'T SHOOT," he screams at the officers. But the officers continue to slowly approach Kei. Shit, they came prepared, he thought, noting how they weren't affected by his voice.

He hisses as he harshly tosses you to the side; you collide onto the floor as you watch Kei triggered the gun, shooting at Kou's left leg. The brown-haired boy falls down and the officers tranquilize Kei, letting the boy fall onto the ground.

Kou leans against the wall as he looks at you and gives you the signal. You hesitate, but pull your tranquilizer out, shooting at a officer farther up the stairs and Kou stabs two of his own into the back legs of two officers standing next to him. He yells out in pain as the only officer left shoots a bullet through his shoulder, but you quickly tranquilize him as well.

You rush over to Kou as he starts bleeding profusely from both his shoulder and leg wound. He groans as you let him rest majority of his weight onto you by letting his body lean on your side. "Shoot Kei... He needs to reset."

A sweat rolls down your forehead, but you don't object as you switch your tranquilizer for the gun and shoot at Kei's head. Your eyes look at Kou's now.

"Reset me now," he pants.

You hated this part.

You bite on your bottom lip as you press the gun against Kou's forehead. "I-I'm sorry," you apologize sheepishly.

The boy only smiles as he feels the cold metal press onto his skin, finding it cute you always apologized before killing him off. Then he hears the gun click and it going off; his body falls to the floor. Only mere seconds later, Kei and Kou sit up from the ground, hissing from the soreness.

"We have to continue on, Sato will be here any minute," Kei demands as he continues up the stairs, Kou only nods and grabs your wrist, the two following behind him.

This was the cruel wicked world you were forced into, as well as for Nakano Kou.

But could he trust what he was given; when faith still needs a gun? Whose ammunition justifies the wrong?

Can he trust.. What he's given, even when it cuts?

Why were two lovers caught in a crossfire?

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