Kei || [A] Error

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a/n: i wrote this type of theme for Urie from Tokyo Ghoul and i feel like it matches Kei too...

inspiration: Error - Vixx

under 650 words!

He wasn't really known for his 'warming' personality, kind gestures, or social skills. He was mostly known for his cold demeanor, how it's often hard to get others to trust him, and worst of all, his lack of caring for others or what outcome happens to them. But he couldn't help it, he honestly couldn't; he had concluded to throwing it all out. He had erased all of his true emotions, but even if he had did, there was one thing he could not erase.

He couldn't erase you at all. Let him free.

Because his heart was too sad. Let him breathe.

Yet he presses on; continuing to live with this cold facade in hopes he was able to breathe without you. He just needed to be alive, but why couldn't he? He said it was okay, that this was better for himself.

In the end, he was just afraid that he'd get cut, cut by your sharp, knife-like words. He just needed to breathe, that's all, he just needed to live life like a normal person and he'd get through and over this... Eventually.

Truthfully, he was a coward, though he wanted to endure this. He held his heart in his hand; this was his choice, this was his choice in a life that is for him.

He's torn though; he doesn't want to let go of himself, he doesn't want to ruin himself anymore. Memories that aren't ending, why? It was over, everything was over, why won't they end if it truly was? Kei had no confidence to win over it.

Love, in the end, is a lie to just one person. Let your heart guide you and let your body crumble with it. Now look at him, trying to forget you. Pitiful, truly.

Don't ever forget me, don't ever erase me.

His heart was limping and this is the end of the road, wasn't it? After making that decision, he thought it was the best, and he inhales deeply. He releases a deep sigh, knowing he had ripped her up from the inside of her own heart.

He still tries, day after day, to erase the images that are floating around, burning up the remaining ones up to the sky. But he sees that scene again; that terrible day. He sees the image of your bloodied body under a large truck as you laid lifelessly in a growing maroon pool. Tears run down his cheeks as the horrid memory. He was the cause of that accident. If he didn't break up with you, you wouldn't have ran off and the truck would of never hit you. If he just didn't think so much over his school rather than you, maybe you'd still be by his side.

More memories flash into his head again. Your sincere smile, the sound of your sweet voice, and your touch against his skin that felt like heaven.

His heart keeps on remembering. Everything was the same. There was no where for him to run away from you. If he holds onto you, it hurts, but if he lets you go, it hurts even more. What was he suppose to do?

This place he was in, deeper than a dream inside a dream, he still has no strength to escape from it. Promising himself with lies that he would forget you, were lies and more lies that remains inside of him. The image of your beautiful appearance spreads throughout his heart again and now it hurts even more than before.

Something went wrong; he misses you even more and he's aware it's even more dangerous to his stability.

There was an error occurring in his heart.

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