Kei || [L/F] Poison

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a/n: requested by someone for fluffy lemon. correct me if any typos or errors, thank you!

alternative title(s): Hush

!!heavy lemon!!

uhm wow 2k words? really lengthy, hope this lemon doesn't suck!

The sky was becoming dimmer, the sun switching to a moon now. You were rushing home as you were carrying two grocery bags, hoping you'll make it back to your apartment before the streetlights shut on. Obviously, nobody really wants to be past sunlight hours these days due to the talk of Ajin appearances recently. You quickly rush up the flight of stairs and run down the outside hall to the door of your apartment, letting out a sigh of relief as you barely made it when the sky was now dark.

You put one grocery bag down to pull your key from your pocket, but you tilt your head as you noticed something off. Shoving the key back in your jacket pocket, you twist the door knob, surprised you had forgot to lock the damn door. You shrug and turn on the lights then carry your groceries in, shutting and locking the front door behind you.

As you were just entering your kitchen, you immediately drop the plastic grocery bags and they fall onto the ground with a soft thud, its contents falling and scattering across the wooden floor.

A hand clasps over your mouth and an arm wraps your torso, encasing your arms in it's lock as well. You squirm in the lock as your screams were useless and muffled against the stranger's mouth.

"Look," the stranger calmly says behind you. "I'm gonna need you to calm down for a second and hear me out."

Like hell you would.

"I have no intentions of harming you unless you strike first. Now when I release you, I want you to not freak out or anything, alright?"

You merely shake your head and finally the stranger removes his arms from you. On an instinct, you make a run for it to lock yourself in your room, but the stranger catches your wrist causing you to look back at him. Your breath hitches in your throat as you look at him with wide eyes, a pair of red eyes looking at you with seriousness.

"Y-You're... Kei Nagai...," your voice wavering slightly from fear. It's been a couple days since he was first announced as an Ajin on the news and his location was unknown, yet here he was, in your own house.

"Yes, I am," he answers firmly,"Now please don't call the police or tell anybody I have been here, I just need a place to hide at the moment."

You swallow thickly, trying to rethink this situation.

Killing him would be stupid, he can't die. Injuring him would make him pissed. He would most definitely try to murder you, would he not?

You sigh out softly. "Alright, I'll let you stay."

Kei merely smiles slightly at your answer, releasing your wrist as he thanks you.

It's been about three weeks and four days since he's been hiding out in your apartment. Kei re-enters the place, returning from a midnight walk, seeing as how he could only get fresh air at night, where nobody is really outside or could notice him as easily within the dark. As he shuts the front door and locks it, he takes off his shoes and hears the shower running.

She's showering this late at night?, he thought to himself.

The boy shrugs it off as he grabs a bag of chips from the counter and heads into the living room, turning on the tv as he plops onto the couch. As a few minutes fly by, the running water from the bathroom ceases down. Kei keeps his eyes glued to the tv, but then look over to you who's standing in only a towel around your body, skin and hair still freshly damp.

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