Satou || [Y/H] Hide and Seek

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"I do enjoy games." || i think this is also considered horror lol

a/n: sorry i've been putting this off, jamie!

in other news i'm going to deactivate that ask blog (that didn't last very long), i mean i might, i don't know. i know i haven't been answering anybody's ask and i've been putting off a lot of stuff lately. i'm sorry.

reminder: if you request something and i have not posted it again, feel free to remind me every once and awhile. it might of been stuck in a draft or i have forgotten to start it. i won't be bothered xD

            I'm scared, you constantly thought to yourself. Your lungs felt like they were constricting, tightening. Each passing second was almost entirely unbearable for you. Breathing from your mouth to inhale the most oxygen, your entire body feeling every nerve was nearly burning a fire through your blood. Though, breathing only through your mouth just quietly was surely hard. You had to keep quiet, you had to keep moving forward. Or Satou just might find you. Your feet were bare, the pair of shoes lost earlier that very night.

Scratches and dirt scrapes covered your sore and swollen feet, but just what was worse?

The condition you were pushing yourself in or being captured by a madman who couldn't die?

What could you do anyway...

He was a demi-human; anything you try on him, he would just come back to life in an instant.

Your eyes widen as an IBM started to appear in front of you. Every inch of your body began to quiver and shudder as the sound of an odd cackling filled your ears. You knew it was his IBM as you kept seeing it often this night, yet it still surprised you when it suddenly appears.

Turning on your heel, you ran the opposite direction from it, panting hard. At this point, your lungs felt like they would collapse and fail you at any moment. But it was perhaps better to die from body conditions than by Satou's bloodied hands.

Though, what didn't fully make any sense was you were only a human.

Why were you able to see that shadow?

And why did Satou only perk his interest at you...?

At this point, tears were streaming down your face subconsciously as you rush into an empty warehouse. The sounds of your pacing footsteps echoed among the metal walls of the dark place, only the full moon just illuminating what little light can peer in through the holes among the roof and shattered glass windows. You slow down your pace so your steps were even quieter, not wanting Satou to locate where you are here.

Quickly, you clasp a hand over your mouth, a soft and muffled cry coming out as you looked in front of you.

Your feet had been swollen and sore, but being bare, they had nearly stepped on a pile of glass in front of you. A poor decision you had made to walk in bare foot into an abandoned warehouse; there was sure to be many hazardous things left in this place. Although, you were lucky to not have stepped on it.

A loud sound of a pounding fist bangs onto one of the rusted metal walls, the sound echoing the place as you quickly try to find a room to coward in.

"The sooner you give it up, the sooner you can rest."

Satou's voice was taunting, almost as if he was trying to give you a false sense of hope and security with him, but you knew better.

Nearby, you had found a door, opening it carefully to let you slip into the dusty room. Shutting the door behind you, you scanned around for somewhere to hide. There was a small sense of relief as you found a small crawl space within the wall. Getting on your knees and hands, you prayed there would be no spiders or rats hiding in it. Once you were in, you carefully pulled a couple boxes in front of the hole, in hopes of covering it up and he wouldn't notice or even dare to find this crawl space.

You were finally able to breathe at this point, calmly at least, but the feeling of constriction and a burning sensation never quit. Even though breathing at a normal pace, your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, pounding in your eardrums. The sound of the silence was deafening; to the point you can hear the soft, yet eerie ringing of the silence. It stayed that way for what seemed like more than twenty minutes until you finally hear a door from within the warehouse being slammed open.

The noise scares you, causing you to flinch and your heartbeat to increase even faster. He was searching now.

"Hide and seek now, huh? I see you like games like I do."

You could hear the smirk in his cocky tone.

"If that's how you wanna play..."

Another door slams open, echoing the warehouse. The sound of metal hitting another metal surface wasn't too pleasant, especially with how much force Satou causes. The man bangs his fist onto his wall and his footsteps wander around. It was hard to depict whether he was close by or far at this point with how much noise he's causing then the noise echoing back, causing a mix of sounds together.

"I'm usually a patient man, I like to play my games fairly and nicely, but," he pauses his sentence, though his footsteps never cease down,"Right now, I'm not as merciful."

Your eyes widen as you hear that uneasy cackling noise, the sound like a jagged plastic knife running across the surface of a rough rock. Your body froze up in fear, your heart felt like it stopped beating and it became lodged in your throat. At this point, you had held your breath in, fearing that this was the end.

There was nothing for you to see in the pitched black crawl space, though your hearing was surely heightened.

The cackling continues as you feel the figure loom over your back and the arms going over your shoulders, now the cackling noise next to your ears. Hot tears slipped from your eyes once again and down your cheeks as the IBM collapses one clawed hand over your mouth, holding you against it's body so you weren't able to escape so easily. You hear Satou's gruff voice from his IBM.

"I found you, now I win."

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