Satou || [?] Shield

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a/n: I like Satou personally as a character. I think he's a really refreshing villain in general.

Someone requested this and I'm not sure if she would like to be named, but you know who you are. And this is for the other people who like Satou like her.

But I haven't kept in touch with Ajin recently or my ajin ask blog (I think I've gotten better at drawing too) because I've been out of touch with Ajin lmao but also I'm busy planning an anime convention with my friends. I'm the main person who's planning and putting everything together; Hotels, car rental, location, getting everyone together, getting everyone prepared, so I'm very stressed, please understand.

I haven't even been updating my other one-shot books either as much either, I sincerely apologize.

I also apologize that this update is not any of the K-Boys and that this book will be becoming a real Ajin x Reader book.

marked [?] because i don't know what this prompt is lol || also how old is satou even??

sorry again this isn't a romantic prompt


           The pace of your breathing was terribly uneven as you also began to cough out. You felt like you were nearly going to spit out your lungs with the way you were coughing so viciously. A gasp falls from your lips as a blackened form from the dense smoke appears, tackling you to the ground. Gasping on your part was a poor decision as you inhaled even more of the smoke into your body, poisoning it further. Fire was set blazing on the entire building, the room was getting hotter and the smoke would only grow thicker with each second.

Your attacker was wearing a mask to protect himself from the smoke and flames, but you felt like the burning hatred within you may have been hotter than the flames themselves.

"Fuck you!"

You spat out, but your voice came out incredibly hoarse.

The man behind the mask smirks, though it's not visible to you. You knew the man you had married was a mad man, yet it was far too late to escape from him. All these years with him and you had only realized this a moment too late, now the moment he would seize it in order to kill you.

It was the moment you found out he was an Ajin.

His gloved hands cover your neck, gripping at it as he begins to strangle you. The grasp with his hands caused you to gasp, but you couldn't inhale anymore. The color of your face begins to become visible as you struggled for oxygen.

Air was unable to reach your brain to keep your body working. Your eyes were beginning to flutter close as your visible becomes blurry. Drool was escaping from your mouth as your body was thrashing weakly under his heavy form.

Your mind begins to spin, the smell of smoke still filling your senses, but the last thing you see is a black ghost. A single claw of it comes down, piercing your ex-husband's chest ruthlessly and throwing him across the room. Even though the ghost seem to not have a head, it looks in your direction, before you finally fade away into the darkness.

          Your brain still felt a little dizzy, but your body was asking you to wake up. When your eyes slowly opened, you could still feel a stinging pain at your throat and your lungs felt incredibly weak, like they would collapse at any second or you would have an asthma attack. The sound of a retro game was heard, soft beeping and pinging.

Were you dead?

"You're finally awake, I see," a voice calls out to you.

The voice was deep, yet a little scratchy.

You slowly sit up from the lone couch in the spacious warehouse room, the stranger who spoke was sitting in a metal fold chair across from you. He seemed slightly older than you as he was tapping away at his handheld game.

"You know, that man you were with was suppose to be an ally of mine," he begins.

For a moment, you were lost, but he gives you a second to collect things.

"I'm sure you knew your husband was an Ajin," he chuckles. His game continues it's retro music as what sounds like him receiving coins from boxes at the current moment blare as well.

You flinch in your seat as you recognized the man before you as one of the Ajins the government was searching you. Satou doesn't look at you, keeping his eyes glued on his game, but he continues on.

"He was suppose to be working for me, but for some reason, he had some things to deal with for you."

The game beeps in his hand, signalling it was game over. Satou signs and shoves the device in his pocket.

"I...," you began with the energy you could muster up,"Thought Ajins couldn't die...?"

Satou smirks at you, tilting his cap with one hand. "Don't worry about what I did to him. Anyways, seems like you need to take his place in my crew." You grip at the ends of your shirt in nervousness. "I'm not an Aji--"

"I know you're not, but you don't have to worry your pretty little head over that. Planned it all out while you were sleeping so soundly over there."

        You were forced to work for Satou after the disappearance of your ex-husband as a replacement for the asshole. Despite not having immortality, you were given training with guns and for combat when needed. You thought at first this was a hostage, but you slowly ended up believing that there was nothing else for you to do. Just only follow Satou.

During attacks, Satou would be by your side as long as you covered him. If bullets or tranquilizers came at you, he'd be sure his IBM took over or that his bulletproof vest got them before they touched you.

He was your shield, but you were his guard.

A black cloth covered half of your face, only exposing your eyes, so that your identity was concealed from everybody.

"If you ever leave me side, just know that you'll die, you got that?"

Satou looks at you with a blank expression. You weren't sure whether he was threatening you or if he was implying whether the government or someone else would get their hands on you. Though, you nodded your head, telling him silently you understood his words.

You quickly pull out your tranquilizer from your belt as you saw two boys appear from a corner from down the hall.

One with the black hair, red eyes had drawn gun from his own belt, pointing it directly at you and Satou. The older man still stands in front of you, completely unphased.

"Well, look who we ran into," he simply says.

You keep your guard up as you stare at the two boys.

The other, with a light brown tone to his hair, has his eyes widen. He quickly shoves his friend's arm aside, making him point the gun away from you and Satou.

"What the fuck are you doing?!," Kei hisses.

"Sh-She's the woman who went missing in the fire! At least... I think she is... But she's human! You can't kill a human--"

Then, a gun shot rings in the air.

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