Kei || [A/T] Everything is Okay

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a/n: i love writing angst for kei and idk why

Everything Will Be Okay - G-Eazy ft. Kehlani

G-Eazy's song has a different meaning though and I respect that. It holds a personal and deep meaning to G-Eazy.

           His heart was too cold to break, his barriers were thick and strong. But real feelings stayed and never leave. Kei knew that for a fact. Yet he was contemplating just who he could of turned out to be and what he is now. If he stayed with you, what would of happened to him now? If he had looked, but didn't find anything, what would of found him?  Would everyone love him and never look down on him like they do now?

He's been told countless time that if he truly knew he loved you then he would of stayed with you.

"You could have made a perfect pair that people would never trade."

Trade for thing, he did though, and he left it at that.

Kei slowly closes his eyes, the vivid red color of it hiding behind his lids. Maybe he wasn't born to live a life so basic. So normal, that normal life he desperately wanted. To graduate school, become a doctor, and die happy.

His eyes are still closed, but he can hear the sound of your voice. It's so fragile and soft, barely even above a whisper. He can feel his core shaking and a shiver run up his spine as the sound of your voice even ghost-like too.

"You turned your back on me. What's a promise anyway when someone breaks it?"

He's paranoid, but he faces the facts that were running through his mind. It was too late to turn back and return to you. Even if he did that now, there might of been someone new he has been replaced with.

The old town he grew up in, the friend he became friends with, the girl he fell in love with. It all seemed like a numbing memory, hazy to his mind if he tries to recall it all. He's laying on the single bed in the room, though the bitter cold is nipping at the surface of his skin. Goosebumps form on his flesh. Kei wishes he could admit the cold was something he was use to, but that was never the case. This cold had always reminded that you weren't by his side. By his side, telling him everything would be okay.

He had to wander off, he swears. Ajins were dangerous and he would never want the harm to be inflicted on you. He had to go tread off to his own path. But the months pass by so fast, it was crazy to him.

                 "You don't even check by enough, do you?" Kaito says to him. Kei's deep, red eyes widen in horror. He was finally back in town, only for a brief day though.

"The hell do you mean?"

"Well," Kaito begins, rubbing the back of his neck.

The two were standing in the hospital lobby as his friend avoids eye contact. Kaito's brown eyes wander, looking at anywhere, but directly at Kei.

"Where were you when she needed you the most? You know it was only me and your family the ones visiting her."

It sliced him deep in his heart. That's deep, but Kei reminded himself if it got to him, then he was weak.

"I'm here, aren't I?" Kei remarks, his jaw clenching impatiently.

"Kei, your sister passed away this morning--"

          Kei had immediately rushed out of the hospital after his friend had explained an odd man entered the hospital the same hour where his sister had got attacked. The scene was bloodied and brutal, knowing that this was an IBM attack. Sato had threaten Kei not so long ago he would take down the ones he cared for the most if he wouldn't work alongside with him. But it was pathetic. Kei underestimated him; he thought Sato would never find out the ones he kept close to his cold heart.

He was admittedly skeptic, though it was coming true. His breathing goes into heavy pants from his parted lips as he's rushing as fast as he could to your house. In his mind, it's racing just as fast as his heart is beating in all nervousness and anxiety. Sweat is rolling down his forehead and he feels his chest burning up inside. His legs feel weak already, but he can't stop now and he won't.

What was most important is he loved you, he wanted to see you smile. He never wanted to see you frown. If he loved you, that's all anybody needs maybe now.

But it gets worse as he arrives at your street, to the foot of your door step. He swallows thickly and he swears his heart is beating so loud, his eardrums are ringing from it. The palm of his hands are sweating and his limbs are shaking as he enters through the entrance. The front door hung off it's hinges just barely with three large claw marks running down in front of it. He's instinctively praying to himself in his mind as he's taking slow steps forward.

The house was dark as sunlight barely could reach itself inside of it to light it up better. The floor under his feet creaked just quietly. Glass was shattered everywhere, portraits hung loosely and torn, and the walls were smeared or splattered on with fresh blood. The body of two adults, Kei knew it was your parents, laid lifelessly at the entrance of the kitchen with large claw gashes at their chests. Both of their eyes were shut peacefully closed; Kei wished they were resting peacefully now.

But his mind continues to race as he sees the door to the basement broken, but opened as well. He looks into the doorway, seeing it dimly lit. Step by step, he walks down towards more anxiety. His heart is beating rapidly and out of his chest, but the small windows welcomed the sunlight barely into the underground room.

As his foot touches the cold ground of the basement, hiding in a dark space, your body was there. Your mind and body hurt all together as your torso was twitching. The sounds of coughs came from your mouth as you spat out the liquid of blood.

Kei should of have been more alert. He should of been smarter and quicker.

His heart is twisting in agony at the sight, but he rushes over to you, pulling you into his arms. Your eyes were already soulless, yet you were still showing signs of hanging onto your life. The dark red liquid was escaping from the corners of your mouth as you were gasping softly. A wide and open wound was gashed at your chest, exposing muscle and flesh. Fresh blood was endlessly pouring out of the large wound.

The tears sting, though they form at Kei's red eyes. The more he looks at your current state, the more and more he became afraid to the core of his being. His mind was spiraling into a dark state, he felt like he was about to go insane. He wasn't going to fathom that you were leaving him for good.

Your skin was turning a little blue, your skin was turning to an icy cold, and you finally stopped breathing.

His lips part slowly, his entire body starts shaking.

"Please wake up," was all he could pitifully utter.

Your eyes finally lost the light and life in them and you finally had died. The blood coming from your wound was staining his skin and his clothes, but he continues to grip onto you in his arms, his tears rushing faster from his eyes now. Why him? He just wanted a normal life.

Just because he was an ajin now, you didn't have to be brought into this too.

Everything will be okay.

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