Kei || [T/H] Save Me

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a/n: requested! i love angst. also i said i would do this "tomorrow" but i have some extra time tonight since i caught up with American Horror Story and Scream Queens

if you want to request, remember: tell me which boy (or all 3)

genre (fluff, angst, lemon) / theme (horror, fantasy, specify here)

other comments if needed such as pronouns if you need them, her, or his types.

i will be open to all ideas, but selective due to sensitive topics that may trigger myself and/or my general readers. i don't want to trigger any of my readers!

zombie apocalypse au || [H] = Horror || [T] = Tragedy, forgot to add this label sooner
this includes angst but it's mostly tragedy due to mention of death and horror for a zombie theme

          "Why the hell did you bring her here?!," Kei growls at Kaito. Despite being friends with the blonde, Kei's tone was in a harsh whisper, almost a scold. He was pissed and annoyed; the very fact that this stranger Kaito decided to bring along with them was making his blood boil. Sure, it was nice to see somebody else. Someone who wasn't Kai (not that there's anything wrong with him) and someone who didn't sound like him either. But.. There was more proportions to go around, meaning more medicine and food to divide among the three.

The current situation at hand was terrible. Earlier, the three of you were sneaking into an empty mart to search for supplies, but your dumb ass (as Kei calls you and your ass) decides to knock over an expire stack of cereal causing the entire thing to collapse. As the boxes tumbled one over another, most of them thudding into the noise and releasing stale cereal contents, it caused quite the noise as zombies made their way to you.

Kei cursed out loud and grabbed what food that was still could and guided you and Kaito the safest way out.

Misfortune struck a shameful finger at you today as you had slipped onto a fruit can, leaving you behind the two boys.

Kaito notices just in time and Kei stops as he stops hearing your footsteps following. When he looks back, Kaito is running back to you, though it's too late as one zombie, who seemed rather a quick kind, was gnawing down on your leg. This caused you to scream in agony as the flesh tore right off, exposing your muscle and blood. You could feel the pain searing through your bottom half, but you could no longer have control over that leg.

You nearly cried and gave up, ready for the rest of them to devour the rest of you, till suddenly you felt Kaito struck his foot right into the zombie's face. As the dead creature flung backwards, he swiftly guided you to cling onto his back. The rest, you could barely remember as you were rapidly losing blood out of your leg from your newfound injury.

When you all returned to the base, some place in a warehouse Kei prepped himself, Kaito immediately helped bandage you up.

You fell asleep as the boys went off into another room, where now Kei is yelling at his friend.

"I can't believe you thought it was a good idea to bring a rock-weight with us months ago! And look, we got her killed for taking her with us!" Kei grits his teeth.

The blonde male sighs and crosses his arms, leaning against the wall. "We didn't get her killed on purpose, okay? It was just an accident..."

"Well, now we have to end her," Kei comments as he grabs a gun, loading it properly with bullets. "Stay put in here while I do my job." He leaves the room without letting his friend say another word.

As he approaches to where you were asleep on the ground, he notices you were crying in your sleep. Kei bites at his bottom lip. Don't be weak now.

The trigger clicks the first time then he kneels in front of you on one knee, pressing the cold metal surface of it against your forehead. Your eyes slowly open and he's surprised, unsure of what to do. Though, you had been awake since the gun had clicked and you immediately knew it was the end for you.

"Go ahead," you plea to him.

Your voice, it had always been soft to Kei's ears, but it was even softer this time, as if your own voice would break like a wine glass collapsing onto the concrete. It's even quiet and desperate. What thrown him off the most was the fact you were prepared. Someone like you was embracing it.

"Please... It's too late, isn't it?," you speak out to him again.

"I..." he begins, his mouth is slightly hanging open as his sentence trails off. The cold metal of the gun is still against your forehead. You were nervous as you never experience what a bullet through a body felt like, a brain even. But you found it easier to not protest as you felt the infection spread throughout your body.

Your skin was turning lighter, an odd sort of color too, and a dark blue color to what seemed like veins were sprouting up your legs, like a plant, and making it's way to your head.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers, but you could barely hear it as he quickly continues. "Rest well and maybe we'll meet in another life."

He finally pulls the trigger, the gun going off strong and loud. A little blood here and there gets onto his clothes and skin, but he's more worried about something else.... He didn't care before about you, why did he care now?

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