Kai || [F] Sing Me a Lullaby

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a/n: listening to a song and wanted to write one of the K- boys in this prompt so i was like hmmm who's best... maybe kaito might be best fit?

inspiration: A Lullaby For You - JYONGRI

uhm this ended up being lengthy??? i didn't mean to xDD ahah.

There may not be an answer to this; why the sky was blue or if the change in you was all true?

But you were sitting next to Kai, feeling no fears and all you knew is that you wanted to be with him. Sometimes it was easy to forget the times we weep, moments that makes us weak, and all the same we see, but memories had exist for all the precious days your heart still wanted to keep. Just somewhere deep inside of you.

He pulls you close, a smile appearing on his features, as he has one arm around you. Your side rested against his, but your head was on his chest; letting you hear his heartbeat. You could hear it as if it was a lullaby for you. The sound of it was reassuring; he would always be by your side.

May tomorrow be wonderful too. Close to you I hope to stay, endlessly from today. Even through cloudy days, you are not alone.

A beam. A large beam from a building fell upon your small body, crushing you under it's heavy weight. Blood gushes out of your body, drowning you in a maroon pool of blood as life left your eyes and became soulless. A crowd of people gasp and immediately start to call for help, reporting the incident. Though, with so many around, none of them notice your finger twitch as a group of workers were lifting the beam off to retrieve your body.

Once it was in the air, a sound of crackling was heard. It was loud and clear; sounding like a plastic knife running across a rough rock's surface or a latex suit in motion. The crowd and the workers go silent as they watch you in horror as you slowly stand up from the pool of blood, many black particles floating out of your body.

You blink and look at your hands, watching the injuries disappear slowly. It took you a second to realize the situation.

"AJIN!," a woman yells and the crowd starts going berserk.

You look at everyone with wide eyes, but quickly look away and rush off into a direction. "N-No, this can't be...," you cry to yourself as you zip past by oncoming walkers down the street and head off to a secluded area, heading into the woods now.

The sky was transforming rapidly and it was now night. Tears would not stop escaping your eyes as you hugged your knees to your chest, sitting against a tree in the woods. The bitter night cold surrounds you and greets you into it's dark embrace. You eventually drift off into slumber, due to exhaustion physically and emotionally.

Sweet dreams did not come to you cause the darkness had scared you, was it because you were still a teen or was it the loneliness in you?

You gasp as you awoke from your nightmare, but only to wake up to a worse nightmare; you were still in the woods in your bloody clothing. As you gently rub your arms for warmth, you sigh to yourself. You had wished you would sleep just soundly tonight... And perhaps every other night assuming this would be now your life, being chased by the government. A small tear escapes your eyes as you close them again, attempting to sleep again seeing as how it was still dark out. You hope to just dream of Kai tonight for comfort and to hear his lullaby once more.

Kai looks out the window of his room after he's zipped up the gym bag. The night was particularly dark, but the stares were bright as well. He tells himself in hopes the stars were gracefully watching over you until the sun rises or at least until he found you before daylight. Though, he wastes no time hastily rushing out of his house, running into the woods; only a mere choice to make to first search for you.

The woods was a large area though, and he was walking around aimlessly in search of you. The blond male checks his phone to see it was 4:56am, the sun was starting to rise; it had been nearly 5 hours since he's left his house. He stuffs his phone back in his pocket, he doesn't give up searching for you. He can't give up on you at all.

As he approaches a creek, he sees your exhausted form resting under a tree from the other side. His heart beats faster in his chest, happy and overwhelmed to see you're okay (besides those bloody clothes). He rushes over to the creek, over the rocks to avoid the water, and makes his way to you.

He kneels down to you once he's close enough only to pick you up gingerly bridal style. Kai needed to take you further away from the city and into the mountains where you would be safer. As he's holding you close, walking towards a direction, you slowly open your eyes to the sound of a familiar lullaby. A blush appears on your cheeks as you recognize this as no one else, but him.

You look up at him shyly, yet he keeps looking forward, a smile graces his lips. "Morning, princess," he casually says as he doesn't stop walking or put you down.

"K-Kai? Where--"

"I heard what happened. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you... But don't worry," he pauses to chuckle,"I'm here for you now and I won't let anything harm you."

You chew at your bottom lip nervously, thoughts going through your head. Kai would be considered your accomplice for this, so what would they do to him?

"B-But Kai! I'm an ajin! Y-You can't do this," you retort to him.

This makes the male suddenly stop in his path, taking you off guard. He gently sets you on the ground so you're sitting on your knees. The blond male kneels down onto his to make eye contact with you, his brown eyes directly into your bright ones.

"[F/N], I like you.. A lot, alright? I'm worried for you and I want to be there for you," he smiles again at you, this time giving you a reassuring one. Your heart swells in your chest upon hearing his confession. You and Kai had always been close together, but too shy to ever say those words. Kai chuckles at your quietness as your cheeks dust with a pink tone in embarrassment.

He stands back up and offers a hand to you. You look up at him; the same loving and soft smile on his face. You wanted to go back to the city, to have it normal again, where you came from yesterday, only to think then,"The past is gone eternally."

You tear up as you happily smiled, taking his hand and he helps you up onto your feet. Although, he doesn't release your hand, holding it tight as he leads you down the path.

"I promise you'll-- We'll be alright, [F/N]," he speaks up softly.

You laugh gently as you wipe away the tears with your free hand, still smiling like a fool.

He was by your side, close to you, endlessly from today. Even through cloudy days, you were not alone because of him.

He was a lullaby that soothed and hushed away all your nightmares, creating dreams for you.

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