Kou || [F] Acrophobia

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a/n: the fear of heights || short prompt

some of you had read my TG one-shots and this has no similarities to the Acrophobia chapter for Haise Sasaki, but it's somewhat inspired due to Kou having canon Acrophobia.

please keep up to date with Ajin releases as I'm never spoiler free.

WARNING!: mentions of death

         His hands balled up into fists tightly as his whole body shook with horror. No matter how many times he has to jump from such heights, he never got over this fear of his. He fell for the first time as a young teen from fixing a dumb light bulb, though was was even more dumb was he decided to stack newspaper and magazines as his step ladder. That was the moment that declared him as an Ajin, after he laid there for days, unable to move or speak since he fell directly upon his own head. Only because he was unable to move his own body, he rotted there for a couple days until he brought back to life.

Though, he's jumped numerous times from higher places. From old buildings, to cliffs, and now a skyscraper?

You, Kei, and himself were running from Sato's madness and sure, you were an Ajin as well, but that didn't prevent Kou from worrying about you.

The gust of wind at the rooftop of the skyscraper caused you to stumble backwards until you hit the edge making you fall backwards from the edge. Kou shouts your name out as he hears you yelling, watching you topple over. Though he hesitates, he rushes over to the edge. In the pit of his stomach, he can feel himself go nauseous, but he had to go after you.

"Nakano, what the hell are you doing?!," Kei hisses at him, but it's too late to stop him as Kou jumps straight off the rooftop, going after your fallen body.

The rush of the wind surrounding your free-falling body is fast, yet you felt like your heart was stopping in the moment. You never feared heights as much as Kou did, but then again, you never enjoyed the thought of death. Even so as an Ajin, death was something you could never get use to.

Through the tears escaping from your eyes, you look up to see a body instinctively had jumped off the roof, most likely in pursuit of you.

Kou...?, you think to yourself, Don't tell me he...

Your eyes closed slowly as you felt the collision of your body come in contact with something. 

The sounds of what sounded like a plastic knife running across a rock's surface cackled among the air as your eyes reopened. The black particles floated within the air as you were recovering from the fall, but you noticed Kou had you within his arms.

His eyes were still closed as his own black particles were healing his wounds. You sit up slowly despite the soreness and a smile appears on your face as you examine the boy.

The idiot jumped after you in worry, despite his acrophobia.

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