Kei || [F] So Bad

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a/n: i finished unpacking and i'm settled into the new place. also i found a $100 bill on the parking lot floor of a mall???? and it's a legit bill???? omg????? lol

someone offered a prompt where Kei gets jealous and I headcanon he's very possessive


ajin-less au || normal high school setting || short prompt

          It had been exactly five months, four weeks, and two days since you had start dating Kei Nagai. He had a good memory and it just came to him naturally to count these days (he might of been counting the hours too, who knows). Everybody in the school feared him in a way though. Kei was not built, he didn't own bulking biceps or rock hard abs to scare anybody off to claim you belong to him, but the dark red eyes he owned-- He'd gaze at anybody who dared to flirt with you or look at you with certain eyes.

Rather, there was a ton of gossip going around, gossip that was rather true actually. Kei caught a male student on the spot when he harassed you for a single date, unaware you were taken already. Furious of course, he had marched over to confront the guy.

The aura that surrounded and radiated off Kei was immense, you remembered vividly how the student felt it as well, but he was stubborn; he was determined to keep fighting for that date with you.

Kei's expression was blank, deadpan even, but his eyes were glazed over with fury. The red color of his orbs seemed dangerous, like deep pools of blood. His eyes remain deadly and threatening, but a somewhat innocent smile forms on his lips.

"There's many ways to immobilize a human, you know. Suffocation, knocking out a point upon their body, perhaps even drowning too..."

The guy flinches at the odd topic Kei brings up and he opens his mouth to reply back.

"So many to choose from for one person, but I can tell you that I do know what to do with your life when you're immobilized. Unable to resist and move."

The smile drops from Kei's face as he's staring at the male student blankly.

"I suggest you don't come flirt with my girlfriend ever again. Unless you're begging for a death wish."

The guy steps backwards quickly in panic then turns around, rushing off.

Kei sighs when he's finally gone, out of your sight, but he's still somewhat annoyed. Oh, how he gets annoyed so easily. "I'm pretty sure that guy is going to report you for being a crazy psycho now," you laugh at Kei.

Your boyfriend shrugs his shoulders casually. "What proof does he have? It's not like you're going to take his side anyway," he smirks at you coyly causing you to blush,"Besides, the school is going to believe a straight A's student over some idiot jock who's failing half of his classes."

You laugh once again as he did have a point. The two of you walk side by side together down the hallway. "You're so bad, but you do it so well, you know that?"

Kei smirks again, but more confidently this time. "I do it for you, you know."

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