Kai || [F] Run Away

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a/n: declare me queen of the boxes for the next two weeks because i'm surrounded by nothing, but u-haul boxes lol

Run Away With Me - Carly Rae Jepsen

which is the song suggested to play while you're reading this

also, i don't encourage you to actually run away from your home lol. home is where the GOOD wifi is guys, okay? otherwise you'll be behind on my ajin updates pft. though, it's nice to dream about a 'run away' scenario, isn't it? i might make more of these

           Kai had a small straw stuck in between his lips as he sips the apple juice from the carton, walking along with you as the two of you strode next to a glistening river. The river's water surface glistened like dazzling gems and was tinted an orange-pink hue as it reflected the sky's dawning colors, the sun setting in the background with it's soft lighting. Night was fast approaching, sure, but this was a usual routine between you two. When school hours were over, neither of you (particularly you in general, Kaito always offered to keep you company) wanted to return to what was called 'home'.

Unlike Kai, you didn't have parents who weren't home often, yet still found time to care for their child. For you, your parents spent their time yelling and screaming. At each other and often, at you for anything. Their tops were always blown off, they seemed to never have any chill, and it's only reasonable that you never wanted to hear it or even be a part of it.

You always appreciated Kai for being so generous to take you along in these long walks, where ever you two may end up, you both never seemed to care. He secretly liked being around you and you liked being around him as he seemed like the highlight of your life.

Though, as the sun sets further, Kai knew it was almost time for you to be back home, otherwise your parents would set it heavier on your shoulders for being out so late.

Nothing was said as you skipped along the pavement playfully, the blonde friend right after your trail, yet it throws you off as he stops you before you enter the street where your house was located. You turn over to Kai with questioning eyes as his brown eyes meet yours in a serious gaze.

"Tomorrow morning, don't wear your school uniform. Wear something comfortable and casual. Try not to let your parents see you. I'll be at your window at six a.m. sharp, alright?"

Your senses naturally told you to further question the boy, but he was a friend who you trust. A smile graces Kai's lips after you nod in understanding of his odd demand.

"I'll see you tomorrow then, Kai."

          The sun was barely edging upon the horizon and the cold air hung all around, brushing against your exposed skin and causing goosebumps to appear on the surface of your flesh. You tried to change as quickly (and quietly) as possible into some casual jeans, a loose tee and jacket, a beanie, and some sneakers. A backpack had stuffed contents already, as you prepared to pack the night before. A phone, a charger with it of course, a handful of snacks, and your wallet that was overstuffed with cash you had been saving for awhile.

As you slip the backpack onto your back, you wondered if you two were skipping school today to head to a mall. Or maybe to that secluded area in the forest Kai liked hanging out at nearby in which, had a small shed to chill in.

As six o'clock rolled around, you carefully opened your window, revealing a particular blonde boy sitting on the edge of the roof.

"You're really crazy for climbing this house, you know," you whisper in a harsh tone, but in reality, you were worried he could of been hurt from this height.

He simply smiles at you, causing you to blush slightly, but he puts his finger over his lips, signaling you to keep quiet. Your eyes narrow at him playfully then you gingerly slip of your window and onto the roof. Naturally, Kai wraps an arm around your waist for precaution as you shut your own window.

After having to jump off one of the lower roofs (and Kai having to catch you even though, he quotes himself, "it wasn't that high up!"), he grabs your wrist and quickly heads off to a direction. You keep up with his pace, but also notice there was a gym bag he was carrying with him.

"Can you tell me now where we're going?," you call out to him.

He flashes you a smile as he turns to look at you, still rushing straight ahead.

"Where ever we please from now on! It's just us two, just forget about anything that ever bothered you in the past!"


a/n: okay i usually don't make a second author's note, but this is like the first part of the run away scenario with Kai.

for awhile now, there will be "Kai || Run Away 2" and 3 and 4 and etc. as run away scenarios with him. for example, you may end up at a beach in part 2 or in the country in 3. that's my plan for the run away scenario with Kaito.

"why not just write it all here" well you see, it's not because i'm lazy (i'm not), but i wanted to update BUT ALSO because i have so many run away scenarios and it's gonna be too lengthy. it's hard for me to sit in one spot unless i'm drawing.

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