Kai || [A] Without You

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a/n: i have not written Kaito angst yet... I AM NOT SORRY FOR THIS-- but maybe just a little. casually offers you tissues

inspiration: Breathe - EMBRZ

Who was he without you? Where was he without you? He... Couldn't breathe. No, not without you.

Out near an ocean, warm droplets of water falls on his skin. Kai closes his soft brown eyes as he sees you in his mind; the vision plays so vividly over and over. But he could no longer call it a mere memory or a terrible event; only a nightmare. He sees it, hears it, and feels it; all of it in a moment. That horrible moment.

Kai could not save in you time right when you had crossed that street. If only he didn't reach for his buzzing phone in his pocket, if only he didn't take his eyes off you. That's right, if only he kept his promise to protect you.

He looked away for one second, not noticing you had kept walking without him or even being fully aware of your surroundings. Lately, you had been drifting off from reality. School, clubs, and parents were putting a lot of pressure on you; you definitely weren't a good person to handle all of this stress at once too.

The next thing he knew, he sees your body under a large truck. Lying lifelessly among a seeping pool of blood, your blood.

The phone from the blond male's hand instantly slips from his fingers and collides onto the ground, cracking the entire screen as it rests there, now forgotten by the boy. Tears form at his brown eyes as he tries to believe this was just a hallucination, a dream, or his own imagination playing around with his worst fears.

He can feel his own heart crumbling, breaking down into pieces then ashes, as he slowly moves a heavy foot, one after the other, towards your dead body. The tears that formed now fall down his cheeks like raindrops, his eyes full of hurt and shock. Once he finally reaches you, he kneels down onto his knees, not caring if your blood had soaked his school uniform. Kai shakily reaches a hand towards your pale, cold one, but an officer instantly grabs the young male away from your body. He wants to scream and protest against the officer, yet he couldn't find the strength to. His brown eyes never stray from the form of your body under the truck as two officers pull him away from the scene.

He didn't even get the chance to hold your hand once more and say goodbye that day.

The sounds of waves heavily crashing upon the rocks causes the boy to open his eyes back, back to the present. He's sitting upon the large rocks next to the ocean as the sun is setting down. Kai sighs as a single tear threatens to escape from his eyes. How long as it been since he's been without you? Far too long, he couldn't count anymore.

Kei Nagai was his first friend. But you; you were his first crush. And to have lost you so soon, was truly eating him up inside. He felt like he was suffocating in this lonely world, choked by imaginary hands and unable to inhale another breath. Dead, that what was he was feeling. If he wasn't breathing then how could he be alive?

A sigh leaves his lips as he angrily tosses a pebble towards the ocean's sparkling surface; the pebble skipping along the waves a couple times before finally sinking into it's sandy depth.

Kai can never forgive himself to the thought that he failed to protect you; from the stress you burdened to yourself from everything and especially that accident.

He'll never be able to breathe, not without you.

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