Kei || [Y] This is Not Love

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a/n: sorry for lack of updates, but i've been requested for a yandere!reader and kei (and vice versa ; yandere!kei), but i want to see what i can do for a sort of scenario if kei were to deal with a yandere.

gonna label yandere chapters with [Y] from now on. sorry this is a shitty chapter

inspired by Going Crazy - Song Jieun ft. Bang Yongguk (but I already named a Kou chapter based off that song, haha)

                "Cut the crap!," Kei barks. You attempted to struggle against his strength. His grip is tight on both of your wrists as he tries to put you down. Surely, he wasn't the strongest, especially against you, but he was running on pure adrenaline at this point. The hand that held a sharpened knife twitches until Kei forcefully puts more strength to throw your arm back, causing the knife to fly out of your hand.

It land somewhere far behind you, the metal material of it clinks onto the solid concrete ground.

"Do you know how one-sided this is?!," he raises his voice at you.

His grip on you keeps you in place still. Kei continues to speak.

"You're driving me crazy!"

"But..." you began, cracking a small smile to him. You begin to try to muster up strength to fight back against his own, the grasp of his hands on you was sure to leave redden marks though. "You know that I love you and that you're in love with me too.."

You try to lean forward to kiss him in any way possible, but he's quick to act as he pulls away from you. His hands finally release their grip on you, yet in the next second, you're in a headlock in his arms. Kei's arm tightens up around your neck as his other hand secures the headlock. You're able to breathe, though just barely. Naturally, your hands land on his arm, squeezing them as if begging to release you.

Softly, you call his name, but it doesn't effect him. His red eyes remain emotionless almost as he watches you struggle in his headlock.

"You're fucking insane, you know that?," he bluntly tells you. His arm tightens up more, making it harder to breathe now.

"You may be a demi-human, like I am, but I have my own ways to deal with you at this point..."

He lowers his head, directly speaking next to your ear as his free hand moves to grip at the top of your head. As he grasps your hair, bundling it up within his palm, it becomes painful under the roughness he had put, pulling your head back slightly.

"You thought I never noticed you in the shadows when you followed me everywhere," he harshly whispers to you. "You're not as smart as me."

You smile as you begin to struggle to breathe, the drool beginning to fall from your lips. The smile is sadistic as your eyes grow darker, looking at Kei as you claw at his arm a bit with your hands.

"Do all you want with me, Nagai. In the end, you're not leaving me no matter what you do... You're gonna love nobody, but me."

Kei's face scrunches up in annoyance, his brows furrow as he sucks his teeth; a 'tch' noise falling from him.

"I'm so tired of you," he simply says before snapping your neck, the harsh sound rebounding off the walls of the empty warehouse. As your body falls limp, he allows your body to collapse onto the cold ground. "I'm sick of this game of cat and mouse."

Kei kneels down on one knee, beside your stiff body. His red eyes examine over you.

"Takes a lot time for you to recover as an Ajin, but I need to do something to do to the point where you never return..."

He's talking to no one at this point, of course. But he's been thinking for months about this. Kei stands back up, walking over to the place where he knife had landed. The handle rests cold in his palm and the sharpened metal part glistens in the minimal lightning through the shattered windows.

"I guess I find out today what really happens when you remove the head of an Ajin..."

His mind flashes back to the notes he wrote in his notebook, the amount of pages and scribbles of important things. The books about human anatomy and the information about the brain. He remembers everything he tried studying for. Kei walks back over to your frozen body, still laying upon the floor.

At this point, who was the insane one?

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