Kei/Kou || [?] Scenario

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a/n: realizing that images are broken now or not appearing like that should for chapters, i'll either fix it or just leave it lol. shrugs. eventually maybe.

it's weird because i've updated none of my books for the past month or two and i barely remember my own format and stuff. squints. wyd at self? but anyway originally i was gonna have this as separate scenarios for the two boys, though i think i'll make it into one if that's ok.

was requested || Pacifist Ajin!Reader || short prompt

           "What do you think you're doing?" Tosaki approaches over to you with hard, angry footsteps. His voice showed sternness and annoyance at the same time. "As a Demi-Human, I expect the best out of you."

You drop the gun onto the stone cold floor, the noise echoes the empty hall as broken glass from the windows crunch under it's weight. It was currently a training process Tosaki put you and the other Ajin boys with if you all were to run into Sato again.

"I.. I told you, I can't even do this," you speak quietly under the man's harsh gaze. His brows scrunch together, bothered by your choice of words at his question.

"You were specifically ordered as a Demi-Human you are, to protect and fight for me like a body guard. Demi-Humans shouldn't even feel anything at all, you know," he sneers. "If you were on the actual battlefield, do you know how many times you would die over and over again? Or what if the police caught you? Or worse? Sato himself?"

Tosaki inhales deeply and he nearly speaks up again, ready to continue on with his scolding until Kou stepped in.

"Chill! Maybe she's just a bit shaky with being in a war, alright? Not everybody can learn how to properly aim a gun right away either," the boy says, attempting to convince Tosaki.

The older man simply shakes his head, taking a step back. He looks over to Kei to steps away from his position in a corner hallway section. "Nagai, I expect you to train and teach your fellow friend. I'm not getting paid to just simply watch over you kids and hand feed you with a silver spoon."

With that, nobody says a word back to him and Tosaki exits the training warehouse. Kou rolls his eyes when he hears the metal door slam.

"I'm not getting paid to babysit," Kou mocks in a childish tone,"Well, we aren't getting paid for guard his ass. We could leave him to die for all we care!"

Kei narrows his red eyes at the other boy and he instantly stops ranting on, though his eyes quickly advert over to you.

"What's your deal?," he bluntly asks. He puts a hand on his hip, waiting for your answer.

"I just... Don't think fighting seems too right. What's the use of fighting fire with more fire...? It feeds into it and it gets larger until everything burns down," you explain. You were about to continue until Kei rams you against the wall with his strength. His forearm was against the base of your throat as you gasped out a breathe of air that knocked out of you. If you budged any, you'd have more trouble breathing with his hold.

His other hand held a gun, pointing it at Kou without hesitation and even looking at the boy when he tried approaching to stop Kei.

"Don't you come any closer, Kou, or I might shoot at you more than once."

A sweat drop rolls down the brown haired boy's forehead, but he stays put though his body language was one of like an animal who was ready to pounce if one wrong move was taken.

"I find your opinion incredibly stupid, it even sounds like some bullshit Kou might say," he tells you. His dark red eyes locked onto your own. His skin was so pale and with the contrast of both his eyes and his skin just only intensified his gaze.

"I know you didn't fucking ask to be an Ajin, but did I as well? Did I ask to be put in a war against an unkillable psycho? Did I beg to be in this current situation, stuck with you and Kou? Kou might baby you about being a pacifist Ajin, but you pick your poison and get the hell out of my way. When the time comes, you either fight for your own right or you just let everyone push you around. You, too, have an IBM and that's the best thing you could put to use."

Kei pauses, his red eyes darkening. Your breath hitches in your throat as he presses the cold tip of the gun against the base of your chin.

"Nagai!," Kou yells out, but Kei's IBM appears, knocking Kou back and across the room.

He collides into a wall, collapsing onto the ground then shakily getting up on his knees.

"What if I was Sato right now?"

The gun clicks and Kou's eyes widen, his head shooting up to look over at the situation. His heart was pounding rapidly in his chest.

There was currently no ammo within the weapon. Said weapon was tossed aside on the ground as Kei releases you from his choke hold.

"If I were Sato, you'd be taken back with him right now and forced to either die repeatedly or stuff into a box with little to no air, I bet."

Tears welled up in your eyes as you also fell onto your knees, inhaling deeply and exhaling loudly. Kei shakes his head and walks away from you, exiting the place, but as he does, Kou rushes over to you. The boy frantically checks over you and sputters out apologies that he was so useless to help you out. Your vision blurs with your tears as you feel Kou try to rub your back to calm you down. Before your eyes shut tight to try to stop the tears, you swore you saw black particles seeping from your skin and heard the sound of a rough cracking noise cackling in your ears.

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