Kei || [H] Inhuman

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a/n: if you requested something and i haven't posted it again, please re-comment again. i may have forgotten it. i apologize for this. my birthday was this week, so i'm getting older and forgetful lol.

i'm a little busy in preparation for an anime convention!! so don't expect a lot of updates for the next following week and early November because I'll be out of town.

also i know like 90% of you actually want fluff... xD i'm sorry, i'll try to start that after this one, i promise. (the wedding scenario) oh wow a picture for this specific chapter, shrugs

i've been itching to write a yandere scenario again. because i actually wanna cosplay yuno gasai, but i'm working on other cosplays hnnng.

i might write part two to this, who knows.

Horror || Yandere!Reader || Ajin!Reader

           The corners of your mouth twitch slowly into a twisted smile as you drop the delicate tea cup from the palms of your hands. On the tv, a news anchor reports a demi-human was located recently. You got anxious, thinking it was you, but you never recalled showing any hints of being one in public recently. That's when the picture of your beloved appears on the tv screen. The boy you fell so hard for was a demi-human as well?

Inside the pit of your stomach, you felt overwhelmed he was like you, but the feeling of dread still hung over you when the anchor man reports the government has a hold of him now.

Broken glass pieces laid sprawled and forgotten by you upon the ground as you immediately stand up from the couch. Your hands clench up into tight fists, the nails digging hard enough into the surface of your skin to draw some blood. Someone was keeping Kei Nagai to themselves?

Your whole body starts to shake as you start to laugh softly.

"I won't allow them to torture my baby," you declared.


             There was a man named Sato who knew the facility's location, the place where Kei would be. When you reached the warehouse and trespassed straight through the doors, the old man was seen laying upon a dusty old couch. A handle held gaming device was in his hands as he tapped away at the buttons, the game noises reaching your ears and annoying you.

You were never on good grounds with Sato, but neither were you on bad terms with the man. You once worked for him and that was it.

Sato groans and puts the device aside when he loses his match then finally notices your presence. "It's been awhile," he notes.

The look of surprise is written across his face, yet it still seemed a little sarcastic, as if he wasn't even slightly surprised at all.

"Need something?"

"Yes," you began with a smile on your lips,"I want to know where that torture facility is. Where the government is keeping Ajins, you know... Where Tanaka came from."

Sato chuckles half-heartedly as he fixes his cap on his head. "What's a little person like you going to do to save that poor boy like Kei?"

The man was teasing you, but you felt like he was pulling at your strings and wasting your time. With rage, you sneer at him as your jaw clenches. Your foot lands on top of the coffee table that's placed in front of Sato causing a loud noise. You pull the katana from it's sheath and use your strength to insert the sharp blade straight into the wooden table.

One-Shots || Ajin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now