A/N: readers...

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hello! i've noticed recently a lot of people have been adding this book to their libraries. to favorites or ajin themed lists. and also people voting on a couple chapters.

i appreciate everyone's attention to ajin and i'm honestly... very surprised this book has over 4k views. i didn't think i'd reach 4k when i left this book inactive for a bit with no updates. there's a bunch of drafts in this book tbh, but they're unfinished.

so about the updates, if anyone realizes i haven't updated, it's because i haven't found any inspiration to write towards the K-Boys because i've been off track, keeping up with SNK and TG.

recently, my friend wanted to watch Root A and i just had to, haha.

but that's the reason why i haven't been updating for ajin; because i haven't found the motivation, prompts, and scenarios for the boys yet.

though i cannot promise there will be updates in october.

i WANT to update this book when season 2 of ajin actually comes out ( i'm very excited bc i get to see kou more!!! ; u ; ) but october is a busy month for me.

i'm not too sure if i mentioned it before, but my family wants to move out of this house soon and into a new one. my mother says she would like to be out by the end of this month.

not only am i moving (don't worry i'm not moving far, just within this neighborhood), but october 20th is the date of my birth. who knows what will happen on my birthday.

but october 15th, there's a korean festival in my area i'd like to attend to.

and the weekend of october 28th, i'm heading to an anime convention.

so now you get the jist of my october schedule. it's pretty booked, but when i have the time AFTER i watch the new ajin episodes of season 2, i will most likely update this book.

thank you all for voting, viewing, and being patient! ♥ please do not hesitate or be shy to keep voting on these chapters! it keeps me track on which K-Boy is most read and which genre you're all mostly into!

p.s. cover update!!
probably one of my favorite manga scenes of kei nagai.

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