Kei/Kai || [F] Scenario

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a/n: requested!!

also sorry i didn't make a kou one. all day i've been drawing answers for the ask-keikaikou blog and i finished two chap updates here in this book. it's almost 2am and i think i need to relax for a bit xD yes, it's like in the middle of the night for me lol.

plus, a lot of you go for kai and kei (that's alright) so you guys probably don't mind i didn't add him here?

|| Theme: Reader is an Ajin ; Parents are protective and keep them inside ||

K a i t o :

              He has his school bag swung over his shoulder, his other hand shoved in his pants pocket as he strolls down the usual street after school is over. Though, there was a particular house that always caught his eye. In the street he lives in, he lives in the furthest house, but that house he always passes by just felt odd to him. He remembers a girl lived there, a girl who use to be his classmate back in middle school, yet when high school came along, she was no where to be seen.

Kai always had that weird gut feeling stuck there. It was too odd.

The parents always leave the house.

Did they send her away? Is she in the hospital?

He was too concerned for her.

Kai stops in his tracks and his eyes widen as he sees the second-story window; on the other side of the glass, you sat there. You were gazing out the window and you visibly sigh, but then you notice him standing there. He's taken aback when you panic and duck away from the window, out of his view.

Later on that following night, Kai sneaks out of his own house to head to yours. He didn't want to believe the rumors that were around his school, ones that said there was an ajin being kept on the same street as he lived on. An ajin that was held secret and to be indoors at all times.

How inhumane.

He quietly grunts as he climbs the tall fence that surrounded the house then jumping over, landing on his feet barely. Kai inhales deeply as he looks at the same window he saw you at. Maybe if he trusted his gut feeling sooner, you would of been freed sooner too..

Kai sighs softly, but walks over to the gutter pipe that was at the corner, close to your window. He climbs it with ease, though it takes him awhile as he sightly struggles. People would think he's stupid for doing this, but he's not the type to sit around when someone is in need.

His knuckles nearly touch the glass of the window, but his eyes widen when he sees you standing there in shock. You slowly reach out and open the window for him, letting him sit at the pane of it more easily, seeing how the pipe won't support him for long.

"What are you doing...?"

You were ready to summon your IBM, but just not yet. You knew it'd be a stupid idea to be hasty as your parents would have to hide his body.

"I guess rumors are true?," he simply blinks at you with his soft brown eyes. "C'mon."

He doesn't explain as he offers a hand to you. You step back from him in confusion. The next words he says throws you off guard.

"We're getting you out of here and somewhere safe. A bird deserves to fly, not be kept in their cage."

K e i  N a g a i :

            He doesn't remember the day it started, but he definitely remembers how it began. When he was walking around the town, stumbling across a secluded house, far from the other houses, yet this one particularly had a tall wired fencing. Curious, he walks closer to the house seeing as no cars were parked anywhere near it or anywhere at all. Odd, he thinks to himself as he walks around the fence, circling the entire house.

That's when he saw you in the backyard, just watering the small flowers. You drop the water bucket as you notice Kei standing there.

But that's how it started. It was an awkward encounter at first, honestly.

Though it became a habit or even a ritual for Kei to come by this house everyday at the same hour, the hours that your parents left briefly. He would sit on the other side of the fence while you sat behind it and you two would go on until he left before your parents noticed. Kei was never good with people, but with you, it was different.

"So is there a reason why you can't leave?" he finally asks as he looks at you with his deep red eyes.

You hesitate for a moment, but sigh anyway.

"My parents don't want the government to find out I'm an ajin," you answer to him honestly.

As you look at him to read his expression, Kei has a serious look as a black ghost starts to form behind him. His eyes soften until the IBM is fully standing behind his sitting form.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You want to leave this place, don't you?"

In the next moment, the IBM slashes at the wires, creating a large opening for you to exit through. Now you were a runaway with someone who was an Ajin just like you. Someone who was more capable of protecting you from the government.

"I promise the government won't make an experiment out of you as long as you're with me.

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